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Comment Re:new acronym (Score 1) 613

Nope: It only becomes pejorative when the actions of the people it is used to describe are in the majority condemnable - a point that repeatedly flies way over your narrowly focused head.

The term might have appeared occasionally in the past, but around mid-2013 it took on anew and wholly pejorative connotation. Especially when used in its acronym form. Here is the google trend for "Social Justice Warrior". The phrase is almost non-existent until April 2013. Here is the google trend for "SJW". It follows the same pattern, but isn't exactly zero prior to April 2013 due to the existence of a company named "SJW Corp." Now gamergate didn't show up until September 2014, so I can't entirely blame the uptick in "SJW" usage on gamergate. However, you'll notice the big spike in searches for "Social Justice Warrior" starts in August 2014, which is only one month before the big spike in searches for "gamergate".

It's when it's been used since to describe zealots like you who equate any resistance to your methods with being the worst kind of racist/sexist/ that it becomes pejorative.

For the record, I don't "equate any resistance to my methods with being the worst kind of racist/sexist". You don't know anything about me other than that I find the set of folks who frequently use the term "SJW" to be somewhat detestable. One needn't be a "SJW" himself for that to be the case.

Comment Re:new acronym (Score 1) 613

The term was pejorative from the outset, created by folks who disagree strongly with the SJW point of view. The fact the none of the three words is individually pejorative when taken out of context isn't relevant. Consider "bleeding heart liberal". "Bleeding" isn't per se pejorative. Neither is "heart". Neither is "liberal". But the phrase "bleeding heart liberal" is used almost exclusively in a pejorative way.

Comment Re:new acronym (Score 1) 613

Your dragging out absurdly un-nerd-like labels to describe nerds shows you up to be a probable faker as well.

The labels are un-nerdlike because the folks in this camp are acting like racist, sexist little shits. Which, presumably, is un-nerdlike.

I understand why people are tired of SJW behavior. Most of the people who are tired of that behavior don't actually use the term "SJW". They haven't even heard of it. The majority of the camp that does use that term actually over-uses it to apply to anyone who points out sexism or racism in any capacity, even when the situation is undeniably egregious.

Side point: the fact that you have such a close sense of group identity with "geekdom" is beyond sad. I don't, and I probably have as much geek "cred" as anyone.

Comment Re:OCED Rankings (Score 1) 529

For fun, in the PISA 2012 results, the U.S. scored higher than the following wealthy, western countries: math: Sweden. reading: Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Luxembourg, Norway, Italy, Sweden. science: Iceland, Luxembourg, Norway, Italy, Sweden.

Also important to remember that just as there are big differences from country to country there are big differences between U.S. states. If you compared only the scores of U.S. students in Massachussetts to the rest of the world then the U.S. would fare pretty well. When you include Mississippi, not so much. For historical reasons there are also large differences between the performance of majority and minority groups in the U.S. I realize other countries also have disadvantaged minority populations, but I suspect the U.S. would do better in a global comparison pitting majority vs. majority.

Comment Re:The inevitability of gradualism (Score 1) 866

To an extent, I guess. There may be some people for whom being an avid sports fan is enough to distract them from existential angst. But I'd argue most people don't fall into that category and end up needing a more complete solution. Sports fan-dom doesn't "answer" the big questions; it just distracts from the big questions. Just like any number of other things people spend a lot of time and mental effort on. Climbing the corporate ladder. Scientific achievement. Getting rich. Perfecting one's art or music. Dominating in video games. Fantasy baseball. Etc.

Comment Re:new acronym (Score 1) 613

"SJW" is exclusively pejorative for the folks who use it. Also, you assume too much about me. I can grant that there are some folks who are too thinn-skinned and who perceive slights where there aren't any. That is, people who might actually deserve the "SJW" label in a pejorative sense. But the camp that frequently uses the term "SJW" applies too broadly. Anyone who argues that sexism, racism, etc. actually exist and may disadvantage certain groups is a raving "SJW" zealot.

Comment new acronym (Score -1, Troll) 613

I feel like the internet needs a new three-letter acronym to describe the camp that frequently invokes the term "SJW". It should be equally simplistic and derisive. Any takers? I'll start the ball rolling: "KDA". Knuckle-Dragging Ape. Or maybe "HIS": "Head In Sand". Or possibly "PWD": "Penis-Worshipping Douchebag".

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