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Comment Re:"Science"? (Score 1) 200

Do you mean % of software devoted to maintenance? % devoted to "changing data formats"? I know later in the book he claims OOP wraps data formats and therefore allegedly reduces the impact of those on code. But those later arguments are spurious in my opinion when compared to the alternatives. Adapters can be made in any paradigm. And reducing that 18% slice may increase other slices. Either way, those 2 slices are not measures of OOP improvements.

Comment Re:Money *needs* to be removed from Politics ... (Score 1) 181

Yes it is a form of "soft" censorship. So be it. We have to sacrifice some ideals to avoid living in a corporate waste-land. Tradeoffs tradeoffs.

You are free to tune out and make all that money worthless and put the people you want on the ballot.

What "works" for you or me doesn't necessarily scale to the rest of voters.

Comment It depends (Score 5, Insightful) 214

The best "lone wolf" developers probably use something like Lisp and a high amount of math-like abstraction to crank out vast amounts of features in a short time.

However, a good team programmer knows how OTHER typical programmers think and read code, and writes code that is easy for them to navigate, digest, and change. Team programming is more like authoring a good technical manual, not clever gee-whiz tricks.

Comment Re:"Science"? (Score 1) 200

No, it depends on the type and frequency of the changes. Some change patterns favor case lists and some favor sub-classing (in terms of fewest lines/blocks/modules that need to be changed). I don't believe one is inherently more common than another. Selecting the "best" solution requires knowledge and experience about the domain, and/or a good "horse sense" of domain analysis.

Predicting the future is never easy.

There are some other complexities to consider, such as if a set-oriented variation-on-a-theme becomes more appropriate than a hierarchy for modeling variation, but that's a long topic.

Comment Re:Money *needs* to be removed from Politics ... (Score 1) 181

Your viewpoint is too idealistic in my opinion to result in a practical difference. You are fighting a personal war that nobody else is attending, tilting at windmills.

My two semi solutions are to put a ceiling on campaign contributions (which the current Supreme Court is against), and to have federal-level issue votes, not just representative votes.

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