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Comment Re:call them (Score 2) 354

Netflix is choosing to fight back over rights fees, with original content, not disks.

There is often a disconnect between what makes sense to an informed individual, and what makes sense to people who bet with their money. Money is saying disks are dead, and rewarding streaming.

Comment Re:What about power? (Score 5, Insightful) 92

For some tasks I can understand recycling. I use older hardware to build routers, anti-spam gateways, VPN appliances and the like. Normally these are fairly low-cycle tasks, at least for smaller offices. But I've learned my lesson about using older hardware in mission critical applications. I've set up custom routers that worked just great, until the motherboards popped a cap, and then they're down, and unless you've got spares sitting around, you're in for some misery.

Comment Re:call them (Score 1) 354

Yeah, well they were right on that one. Streaming is the future, Discs are the past for the company. That's where their future lies, that's where their priorites will be going forward. Their challange is to wind down the disc based service as quietly as possible to minimize consumer outrage, which would cause them to choose a different streaming service.

Comment Re:that's a stupid argument (Score 1) 390

All trafic is there because it was "Requested". Networks have always based peering based on traffic flows. If Level 3 has paid for X Petabytes of Transit per month, then that's what they get.

I understand the frustration on everyone's part, but this is mainly due to the oligarchy in local ISPs. If you had a choice, you could choose one based on the level of service they had for netflix. With Netflix being such a huge draw for people, it only makes sense that in a competitive ISP market, Level 3 would be able to get cheaper transport. And/OR ISP's would just be willing to get NetFlix to Colocate inside their network.

So yeah, verizon sucks. But the main reason is the lack of competition. I wouldn't change the way peering has always been done. Its like using a sledge hammer to kill a gnat.

Comment Re:believe everything you are told! (Score 2) 503

Because some relatively small number of events may have a conspiratorial aspect does not mean all events do. In this case, it does appear that a bunch of separatists in Ukraine got their hands on some pretty sophisticated hardware and, obviously by accident, blew a civilian airliner out of the sky. Now, that's not as sexy an explanation as secret US operatives standing in the bushes near the separatists, or secret Russian operatives bringing the plane down in an even more elaborate scheme to make the West look bad by making themselves look bad so they can say "Those rotten Americans are trying to make us look bad."

Something like this was bound to happen when relatively poorly trained and disciplined weekend warriors get their hands on serious military hardware. The Russians have been quite keen to back the separatists with weapons, intelligence and some of their own personnel. It would be nice that if they are going to allow these separatists to use advanced AA equipment that maybe they have someone nearby who actually knows how to use such equipment, or at very least to put a bullet in the head of some daft nimrod who thinks he knows how to use the equipment.

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