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Comment Re:It'll come down to an opinion (Score 2) 255

Or, conversely, if it was routinely and publicly being used for neutral activities it would be a lot safer. At the moment it tends to be filled with a combination of people using it generally for ideological reasons and people using it specifically for nefarious ones. Kinda like torrents, the use of them for piracy is greater then the use of them for other activities, but if the other activities made up a larger part then it would be treated differntly.

Comment Re:It's accomplices all the way down! (Score 4, Insightful) 255

That makes me a bit concerned and curious as to why no ISPs or similar companies got involved in the case. While a judge and jury might not understand the technical details, people working in tech (and their lawyers) probably would and companies should be concerned about how this might come back to them.

Comment Re:I take it (Score 2) 185

One of the core problems is that many people believe that having paraphilia means the person will act on it. Males who deviate from normal are assumed to also be incapable of controlling themselves, thus unlike 'normal' males, these deviates will take what they want no matter what.

Personally, it kinda reminds me of all the heterosexuals I have seen claim that what they were doing was not child abuse because 'they are not gay'.... every time I hear people talking about how people with fetishes will go to non-concentual extremes to satisfy their desires I wonder if they have a nugget of rape in their past they are trying to convince themselves could not have actually been rape since THEY are not a deviant.

Comment Re:Or Maybe Self-Driving Vehicles (Score 2) 579

It all depends on just how much impact shittyness has. In this case, jerks are resulting in the deaths of other people. So the lives of some have to be weighed against the fun of others. It is a balance that is looked at in many areas of life (since pretty much any activity has accidents), so the question of what should or should not be done when it comes to cars is far from simple.

Comment Re:Or Maybe Self-Driving Vehicles (Score 1) 579

well, long term that would likely solve the problem....

People in this thread are really focusing on changing the behavior and timing of the people walking, but it is the cars that are the big danger. Maybe what we need are automatic tire spikes that rise when the light turns red.. that would provide a powerful (and more direct then redlight cameras) personal incentive to respect the intersection.

Comment Re: Libertarian nirvana (Score 1) 534

Having watched it play out many times, libertarians always seem to find some reason to paint "commune" projects by poor and minority groups as not counting, while middle class white ones seem to get a pass even when they significantly less then voluntary. The problem is, what counts as voluntary is subjective and can be easily be twisted to enforce racism and classism.

Comment Re:Did you bother to read the story? (Score 5, Informative) 59

Two basic problems.

(1) such lawsuits are expensive to mount, if 2600 is hurting for 100k in the first place, chances are filing a civil suit would hurt them pretty badly too... which brings us to...

(2) while slimy, this is a legal practice. If you do the paperwork right you can even buy a company, transfer your debt to them, then split them off again. Poof your debt is gone and some other company is ruined. So if 2600 DID file a lawsuit, their chances of winning would be slime unless their distributer messed up the paperwork.

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