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Comment Re:You cannot know *WHO* is voting (Score 0) 258

While a similar problem, there is an issue of scale. With postal voting there is indeed an individual problem involved with not being able to determine who actually voted. Internet voting on the other hand opens up new problems of mass fraud by individuals or small groups, which presents a very different risk.

Comment Double Standards of Course... (Score 4, Insightful) 186

Every time I see calls for harsh anti-piracy initiatives, I picture what would happen if equally harsh rules were put in place for some of the dirty IP tricks or outright theft MPAA members engage in. "Oh, your studio got caught taking a copyrighted screenplay submission, rejecting it, then handing it over to one of your own people again? Sorry, your access to distribution has been cut off and you will not be able to produce movies anymore"

Comment Re:A.I.? (Score 1) 403

I also work in the field, I see new research and discoveries every year. Scientists are constantly learning new things from the attempts and we are constantly constructing systems with greater flexibility and capability.

As for 'database with search capability', what do you think human intelligence is in the first place? It is not some magical ability, is a combination of various capabilities interacting with each other, with data storage and retrieval being a significant component.

Comment Re:A.I.? (Score 2) 403

Depends on your perspective I guess. One of the other major things going on since then has come from the other direction, with a great deal being learned about existing non-human intelligence and how much more complicated and, well, real, than people had believed. So the simple metric of 'does it act like a human' has become a lot fuzzier when actually looked at.

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