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Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 1) 529

There were multiple strong recessions and stagflation during the 50 years.

Strong recessions are part of the normal business cycle and we really shouldn't have printed so much funny money since 2000 trying to prevent them.

Here's info on the 1970's and 1980's recessions

1973-75 Recession
This period stood apart from many other U.S. recessions as it was marked distinctly by stagflation â" the combination of high unemployment and high inflation. The United States faced a surge in oil prices due to OAPECâ(TM)s (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) oil embargo, combined with increased spending due to the Vietnam War and a stock market crash after the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary relation system, officially putting an end to the economic boom which followed WWII. Unemployment peaked at 9% and, although the recession is recognized as having ended in 1975, the country experienced low economic growth for years afterwards.

Early 1980â(TM)s Recession
In the late 1970â(TM)s, inflation was on the rise in the United States, in part left over from the 1973 recession. As a result, the Federal Reserve tightened monetary policy considerably, in turn causing investment purchases to drop as capital became less available. By winter of 1982, however, inflation continued to drop and unemployment rose for several years.


It's reasonable to think that globalization of labor would have probably depressed wages for a couple generations regardless of the approach we took. However, the policy changes you mention have exacerbated it. Automation and robotics are small now but are going to dominate employment within our lifetime which will be a paradigm shift.

Otherwise, I agree strongly with your general view and point.

Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 4, Insightful) 529

To be fair, it's hard to change much while you need 60 votes in the senate to get anything to pass.

I'm glad he spent his political capital on the ACA. I'm disappointed and curious about why he didn't shut down Guantanamo . He's made a lot of "small" liberal progress on over a hundred issues but his hands are tied by the party of "no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO NO no no no!"

Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 3, Interesting) 529

What cost $100 in 1980 would cost $278.44 in 2013.

So Reagan's increase was about the same as Obama's.
And a lot of Reagan's increase ALSO came from unrealistically high defense spending and tax cuts on the wealthy.

What cost $100 in 1988 would cost $193.96 in 2013.
Bush's deficit increase was also about the same as Obama's increase.

Clinton used funny accounting tricks and gutted social security to balance the books. Actually he increased the deficit about 2T when you remove the accounting tricks.
What cost $100 in 1992 would cost $163.61 in 2013.
So his increase was about 3T about half of Obama's.

What cost $100 in 1992 would cost $122.42 in 2000.
Bush Jr increased the deficit by 7T. Currently still a record.

And bush's tax cuts account for 30% of the deficit. Obama is responsible for not allowing them to lapse. Defense spending the size of the next 25 nations combined accounts for another 40% of the deficit and *modest* cuts would have reduced the deficit by 1T. And we'd have still been spending more than china, russia, and all of europe combined. All of the rest of government accounts for the other 30%. Notably, the ACA is only a miniscule part of the deficit. The vast majority of it is bills from prior administrations that are difficult to stop- and impossible to stop with the republican dominated congress passing bills which only increase costs.

But Obama could have allowed the tax cuts to lapse and he'd be at about $4T. A *REAL* failure of spine there. And that's been the biggest gap. Let's rate them by spine.

Bush Jr., Spine of Titanium.
Bush Sr., Spine of Steel (and it cost him the election)
Clinton, Spine of Iron
Reagan, Spine of Wood (really- he basically went "Guns AND Butter)
Obama, Spine of Silly Putty

Hate him or love him- Bush got what he wanted. But he had the largest deficit adjusted for inflation and his policies are responsible for 1T to 2T of Obama's deficits (before Obama had a chance to allow them to lapse).

Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 1) 529

It's a bit of a potemkin high tho.

There is a historically high unemployment and underemployment among everyone under 30. And fairly high unemployment in the 30-34 group too. 34-50 is doing pretty well. Then you see unemployment rising above the historical baseline again. Mostly due to age discrimination.

I voted for reagan but unfortunately, he wasn't really a conservative. He abandoned conservative fiscal principles and started the country on a sugar high.

And the war on drugs was and has been a complete failure which as a bonus increased facism while decreasing privacy and freedom in this country enormously.

Comment Re:State sponsors of corruption (Score 1) 229

A 10 second warning counter has been shown to be more effective. But those cost money and don't generate money.

Still, red light cameras do serve a safety purpose. While increasing the number of accidents, they do decrease the fatality of accidents. Translating 40mph tbone collisions into 20mph rear end collisions.

Comment Re:Automation is killing jobs faster than ever (Score 1) 435

he he.

You know, I'd forgotten that I was hit a 4th time from behind while sitting at a redlight too. Was a bunch of drunk kids on a halloween night. They tried to run but their radiator was shot. I actually got a $25,000 judgement against the driver but he was an illegal alien and the judge said, "Good luck ever collecting a dime". He vanished after the trial. "David Mendez".

I had over 20 sessions of physical therapy. That was back in the 80's tho.

Comment Re:Where do you see A.I. in 5,10,20, and 30 years? (Score 2) 71

Actually, we are pretty close to discovering what consciousness is physically.

They've found one spot in the brain that when stimulated electrically, you don't go asleep but your "conciousness" turns off. When the stimulation stops, you recover conciousness without an awareness of any time passing.

The particular part appears to be acting like a conductor of multiple streams of information from the rest of the brain. For some reason in 70 years of this type of research, they'd never explored that particular part of the brain yet.

If it is the seat of consciousness then it's physical configuration may lead to new theoretical and machine implementations within a 30 year window.


To be blunt, everyone I've known personally that felt machine consciousness was impossible had a religious basis for that belief. Basically, despite all evidence to the contrary from brain research and animal research, that consciousness resided in a "soul" that was independent of the human body or with that as a basis posited that consciousness was a quantum effect (i.e. god of the gaps) which humans would be unable to duplicate.

Comment Re:They're finishing off Nokia (Score 1) 272

You're making shit up. What he actually said is "we will continue to innovate and grow our fan base with Xbox while also creating additive business value for Microsoft,"

Sure he's cancelling the XBox Original TV Shows idea, but in all honest that idea was incredibly stupid and really added nothing to 99.99% of XBox users.

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