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Comment Start with copyright (Score 4, Interesting) 116

Start with copyright and patents - these are by far most harmful regulatory areas that hold back our progress.

Still, not all regulation is bad. We could use more rules safeguarding our privacy. Presently, it is 'loot and pillage' with every Dick, Tom, and Harry from the Silicon Valley trying to insert themselves in the middle and start tracking you.

Comment Re:Risk = Reward (Score 1) 224

I disagree, you argument could be boiled down to "we should value mediocrity more". While there are some sectors, like social working or nursing, where "daring, aggressive behaviour that involves a lot of risk" is not desirable, in STEM it is universally must-have quality.

Comment Re:Clickbaiting Bullshit Works (Score 1) 224

>>>Why can't men and women have both?

Very good question with a simple answer. Our economy is built on assumption of perpetual growth that comes from increased productivity. If productivity stands still we experience recessions. Some of the productivity gains come from technology, but majority of it comes from grinding more out of workers.

Did you ever notice than your grandfather was a sole bread winner and only worked 9-5 with serious overtime pay, while both you and your spouse are grinding out 80 hours work weeks? That is your answer why we can't have it both.

Comment Re: not original (Score 1) 190

Function properly means "fit into behavior that could be described by predictive models". We assume participants in transaction are informed, rational, and free to turn down a bad deal because these are necessary elements of market's self correcting mechanisms. Otherwise, it becomes functionally impossible to distinguish it from "might makes it right".

For example, if I were to point to Enron case and claim it is a result of market forces, you'd quickly object and point out that Enron was a case of fraud and is outside of "normal" market conditions. Well, you can't have it both ways - ether market operates within certain parameters, or both Enron and price gougers are result of market forces.

Comment Re:Risk = Reward (Score 1) 224

Women make safer choices and give higher priority to work-life balance.

Males tend to take more risks, this is evolved trait that greatly benefited hunter-gatherers (e.g. going after mammoth). Males also tend to fail more, server rooms and call centers are littered with dead-end careers. In reality, few men success, but few that do skew the statistics because of the nature of success.

Submission + - White House science adviser Holdren says global warming is holding off ice age ( 2

MarkWhittington writes: White House Science Advisor John Holdren recently held an online question and answer session in which he fielded questions from the general public. One question, according to a Tuesday story from MRC TV, concerned global warming. Is global warming, or as its acolytes prefer to call it, climate change, the result of human activity or the result of the natural cycles experienced by the Earth since before the dawn of time? Not surprisingly for an official of the Obama administration, Holdren hews very closely to the human beings are causing global warming orthodoxy. However, he also adds a little caveat. Global warming is holding off the next ice age.

Comment Re: not original (Score 2) 190

No, price gouging is a failure of elasticity of demand. For the market to function properly, both parties to transaction must be rational and able to walk away from the deal. In most cases of gouging, one party has another 'over the barrel'. Such scenarios could not be properly described with market theory, but I theorize criminal law would be much more appropriate tool.

Comment Re:Excellent! (Score 2) 556

I disagree. Not all women are feminists, and getting more ladies into game development is not even one of the goals of these feminists. Their goal is to turn all gamers into feminists, and impede any gaming that isn't conforming to the dogma By force, if necessary.

Comment Re:Most Unbiased Slashdot Gamergate Article (Score 1) 556

>>>Why do you believe the gaming industry will be turned into a "radfem mandatory inclusion" platform?

I believe this based on precedence in other similar industries, like graphic novel industry. The crux of the issue is that there is no concise set of demands that could be accommodated. Once you achieve a set of their goals/objectives, next one comes along and pressure re-doubles along with the effort to vilify you for not bending over backwards to satisfy it. It is just like blackmail, once you pay, you will keep paying forever.

Comment Re:Most Unbiased Slashdot Gamergate Article (Score 5, Insightful) 556

I personally believe that this issue is worthwhile of further attention. Why? Because as a gamer that does not associate with GG, I still don't care to have gaming turned into radfem 'mandatory inclusion' platform.

If you thought Jack Thompson was bad, read up on what radfem thinks about boys and gun play. If they have their way with gaming, next BG of CoD will have pink waffle bats and dolls instead of guns.

Comment Re:FOIA results (Score 1) 556

>>>FBI confirmed somewhere else that at least 2 of the feminists in distress have sent death threats to themselves and then pretended it's gamers doing it.

If this is true, that would very very damning. Who was involved? Do you have any proof of this, like links to FBI reports?

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