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Comment Re:Here's the deal (Score 2) 215

This is like a real estate agent getting a % of the sale. Sure they do better it the house sells for another $10k, but if the house is already $300k and they are getting 3%, that turns their $9000 commission into $9300. It isn't likely in their best interest to risk a sale for an extra $300 when they could move the property and start working on getting the next one sold.

Comment Re:Underworld (Score 1) 236

"That said there is nothing stopping the military from turning on the scramble again and making all your new fangled GPS rather useless"

Except the GLONASS system which is managed by NOT the US and which many units can also work with. I have a Garman that uses both systems and can usually see 10-15 satellites at a time. That really helps with accuracy and speed.

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