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Comment Re: Autonomous vehicles (Score 1) 162

How about a system that safely works in fair weather and then shuts down for manual driving when it can't cope like in the brutal conditions you described. For many of us, that will cover 98+% of the driving. I can suck it up for the 1-2% if needed. And really, no one should be on the road if the conditions are near what you described.

Comment Re:Can't eliminate carry-on (Score 1) 349

I only travel a couple of times a year, and its happened 3 times in the last 5 years. Twice was my luggage lost. Once was traveling to Rome. I got it back 2 days later The other time was returning home so it wasn't a big deal because I got it a few days later also. Then, once traveling to London my bag was eaten by the airport belt system and 3/4 of my clothes were destroyed. I had a shoe literally ripped in half. Also, several other items were melted due to heat buildup. I'm surprised it never caught fire. All that said, I'd never check a laptop, medicine, or anything of value I couldn't replace easily.

Comment Re:Here's the deal (Score 2) 215

This is like a real estate agent getting a % of the sale. Sure they do better it the house sells for another $10k, but if the house is already $300k and they are getting 3%, that turns their $9000 commission into $9300. It isn't likely in their best interest to risk a sale for an extra $300 when they could move the property and start working on getting the next one sold.

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