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Comment Re:No more broken iPhones.. (Score 2) 203

"UP TO two times tougher than competitive glass" "survives drops UP TO 80 percent of the time"

Just meaningless weasel words.

It's not meaningless at all. It means exactly what it says: The glass is somewhere between negative infinity times and 2 times tougher than competitive glass. And it survives drops somewhere between 0 percent and 80 percent of the time. So be sure and take those figures into consideration when considering buying the product.

This post is up to twice as informative as the original article

Comment Re:Meet Streisand (Score 4, Interesting) 307

Problem is: nobody reads contracts.

The good news is that this works both ways. A number of times I have crossed out bits I don't like, and photocopied the contract before sending it back and nobody said a thing. Only once did I get a letter saying that they would only do business if I accepted all terms.

Comment Re:Shouldn't be a surprise (Score -1, Troll) 299

And We're supposed to trust that these unregulated companies will act better than the overregulated taxi firms? The reason why taxi firms got regulated in the first place was because of their poor behaviour.

There is a reason that minicabs have to be booked by phone and journeys logged. Many of them are run by Muslims. Imagine how many women would be raped without this

Comment Re:So can anyone with Pro Tools... BFD. (Score 2) 51

With the advent of technology, anyone can sing or play any instrument like a pro. Outside of a live performance, does it really matter?

It depends on what you mean by "play". I can "play" an MP3, and there is a fairly small step between that and programming a sequence into a synthesiser. Another step forward and I could sing with autotune or play an instrument that avoids discords. Then I could sing or play a conventional instrument. Having "instant music" doesn't make this pointless

Comment Re:This data is collected at hotel checkin already (Score 2) 58

Just for your information: hotels in many European countries are required by the law to collect your personal information upon check-in

That's mot the same as an EU-wide law. Some countries don't have any reauirements. See CMS Guide to Principal Hotel-Specific Laws in Europe and China.

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