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Comment Re:another language shoved down your throat (Score 1) 415

Could have been worse? Python is a fantastic first language to learn how programming is done, especially in the context of getting another job done (Science, Math, etc.)

I agree it's a good choice. Personally I think it would be slightly easier to start with typed languages so that you would have more appreciation of the transformations that go on behind the scenes, but at worst that will be half an hour of confusion followed by "ah that's what it was doing for me".

Comment Re:another language shoved down your throat (Score 1) 415

Right... so a Microsoft approved curriculum. Good for a trade school, awful for a person who wants to actually learn something.

They could have a patent lawyer in the classroom. The students could carry out an exercise like writing a tic-tac-toe game, then the lawyer could explain how they had infringed 15 user interface patents, a method of representing spatial coordinates as data, and were also guilty of trademark infringement.

Comment Call me (Score 5, Insightful) 129

call me when a charge lasts a week or so. So long as I have to charge it every day I'l keep my solar powered radio synced watch which has told me the time for the last 5 years without having to touch it.

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