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Comment Re:What society really needs to do (Score 1) 518

Oh, dear...

For a laugh I just googled the average number off attempts needed to pass the driving test.

The UK government actually publishes statistics of "pass rate by ethnicity of candidate", and.... Asians and blacks are more likely to fail the test than whites.

That doesn't tell you much unless you cross-reference with other data (are they taking it at a later age, maybe more immigrants in this group) and other factors (like are they immigrants who take the test early because they have driven in other countries), and motivation (my wife was very relaxed about her test as she could drive for a year on an overseas license before passing. It was quite amusing when she failed first time, said thanks, and drove off!).

Comment Cool? (Score 1) 99

Will it be like seeing a whole new colour, or will the infrared spectrum still need to be translated into the already visible spectrum? Judging by the article it seems to be the second, but the first would be much cooler.

Just let me insert this connector into your brain...

Comment Re:WOW! (Score 3, Insightful) 132

You guys keep working on that. Meanwhile Apple will continue selling millions more Macbooks and Mac Pro's to hard core developers, scientists and engineers who have work to do and need a computer to get it done with.

You do realise that almost all of the top 500 supercomputers run Linux

Comment Re:Two solutions (Encrypt or leave) (Score 3, Insightful) 243

Isn't that so that you can send links to contacts? Android has no granular permissions support so if you ever want to be able to email a link from the app, you have to grant that permission.

Its a shame that you cannot just deny that right and have it fail if you ever tried the email functionality. Or even let the application know what's granted so that it can disable the email options.

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