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Comment Restore faith in big pharma (Score 1) 204

If you want to restore my faith in "big pharma": Use 90% of all profits from the treatment (and I really mean gross - manufacturing cost as my definition of profit) as a charitable donation to opioid education and treatment. Additionally, stop all research into improving the existing potency of opioids. Finally, let doctors handle medicine, not lobbyists/police/sales agents.

Comment Change in delivery medium (Score 1) 91

OTA TV is based on RF signals. Traditional cable is based on QAM signal transmission. Newer cable and streaming services use a regular IP network connection. If you're in an area that has poor RF reception, these should provide a significant quality increase since they're using an IP network connection. It would be great if it were free like RF, but someone has to pay the bandwidth and infrastructure bills.

Comment Not surprised (Score 1) 270

Disney is just doing what other distributors are doing. Sony is probably going to do the same thing to Crunchyroll before long. I at least hope that as content drops, so will pricing. When people have asked cable companies for a-la-carte channel selection, it was only supposed to be a few dollars a month. Maybe we will finally get our wish but we will have to skip the cable companies and go straight to the distributor streaming services. With that said, I'm not looking forward to having to actively manage 5+ streaming services accounts, wonder who has what, and keep up with additions and removals from their catalogs. Disney specifically has a bad reputation of cycling their content through the "Disney Vault" where it's just not available for years at a time.

Comment Thank you IoT (Score 4, Insightful) 237

Thank you IoT vendors who don't maintain their devices for creating a breeding ground of consumer-grade security holes. Let us all pray that these widgets aren't internet facing in some way and that the consumer grade routers are sufficient at keeping external attack vectors to a minimum. There isn't much we can do for consumers who like to click on internet candy to infect themselves.

Comment Priced out of the market (Score 1) 70

Even Apple fanatics would be a bit slow to adopt if you MSRP a device > $900. I own one only because I was able to combine several discounts and reward systems together to bring the price down drastically. I know a few other colleagues have them as well, and yes it's good. However it's only marginally better than the competitors. The main selling point to me is the security updates aren't being held hostage to force buying another device.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
