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Comment Re:As far as I'm concerned, Pluto is still a plane (Score 1) 77

Sure, it might have originated in the Kuiper belt, but it isn't there any more. Besides, it's the first object to be named after a cartoon character, which kind of made it fun (and easy to remember) when we were kids.

Wasn't Uranus named after the judge in the Trial segment of The Wall? That was also technically a cartoon (as in animated), and Uranus was discovered long before Pluto...long before The Wall even, which makes the planet's naming even more remarkable.

Comment Opportunity for Independence (Score 1) 720

My suggestion would be to take this as an opportunity to transcend the need to work for the enrichment of someone else and go off script.

If you have IT skills, take the time to step back and determine ways you can put them to use for your benefit without having to be a wage slave. Granted, you may need to go ahead and take assorted crappe jobs for a couple years while you build and save the means to strike out on your own, but that is a small sacrifice to pay for long term independence.

The 21st Century is rife with means for enterprising individuals to break from 19th and 20th Century tradition and live comfortably ever after without having to rely on anyone but themselves for employment.

Comment Re:She's proselytizing ... (Score 1) 289

“I’m Catholic; we do not contracept,” Ms. Smith said. “It is a grave sin.” By including those pages in the curriculum, she added, “you have violated my religious rights.”

Her agenda is to make everyone Catholic.

And on that point, she should be removed from her position on Constitutional grounds.

Comment Re:Good news! (Score 1) 323

I could have sworn it was being reduced to 20 grams...

Why do they even need chocolate on Mars? The only thing there so far is robots. I understand that we should pre-position supplies before sending colonists, but chocolate is not exactly a mission priority.

They do need it real bad there on Mars. Without it, how would hawt princesses like Thuvia or Deja Thoris maintain their proper feminine figures?

Comment Trader Joe's Could Help (Score 4, Funny) 323

They could alleviate some of this problem by contacting the people who run Trader Joe's. They have this one dark chocolate bar (can't recall the name of it) that is so nasty and bitter, that it is inedible completely (unless you dip it in honey, then it is barely tolerable). It is worse than baking chocolate and is actually sold as if it is intended to be eaten like a normal bar of chocolate. If they just full stop quit producing that travesty, perhaps that could free up chocolate resources for other uses for perhaps another year or so.

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