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Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 153

I'm guessing Plato didn't have a Soundcloud subscription. It sounds like his final request before execution was to hear some music. Understandable.

Reading a translated thirdhand account, we aren't going to be able to pick up exactly how their interaction went. Maybe she was playing poorly and the man thought to give some constructive criticism.

I just spent the last few hours practicing fingerstyle guitar, I know I need to work on keeping a consistent rhythm. I wouldn't slap someone if they told me that.

Comment Re:nazi said what? (Score 1) 191

The "global elite" are doing quite well with the food system as it is.

When a change comes along to disrupt entrenched interests, you can bet those interests will try to pin it on shadowy "global elites" as a scare tactic.

If the guys who've bought all the agricultural industry and land aren't global elites, I don't know who is. Funny those are the same guys trying to scare everyone away from artificial meat.

Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score 1) 237

If you think the US hasn't had any striking nurses recently, you've been shielded from that. If you are making an effort to be aware of what's going on in the world, consider choosing different sources, because whatever you're doing now is keeping you ignorant.

Last time I had to go into a hospital (in Houston), most of the nurses were Nigerian and looked like they hadn't slept in 3 days.

Comment Re:Information Overload (Score 1) 26

I never read the book, but what I see isn't so much people afraid to go outside physically as they are afraid to look outside mentally. Regardless of all else, people can see (1) scary stuff a'happenin out there, and (2) all the noise and social/media BS.

Averting eyes is the easiest course of action. Why go through the effort of weeding out the BS, for the reward of some highly depressing insight into how fucked things are? It doesn't compute mentally, emotionally. Only to a masochist. Knowledge brings pain, at least the kind of knowledge we need.

Even for the weirdos who do still desire news, they are given plenty of off-ramps to take before getting to anything worthwhile. Traditional media's been hollowed out from a dozen different angles (really too much for me to go into now) and when people try going online or to "alternative media" they're likely to get something even worse. People who liked the distaster-porn aspect of the news seem to have been captured solidly by online conspiracy peddlers, who are in turn captured solidly by state and corporate propaganda pushers.

Comment Re:So this kind of think of the children crap (Score 1) 123

It's a vicious cycle I have seen family members and their churches go down. When reasonable people start leaving the church, those remaining are more radical. With the religious radicalization, there is also a heavy injection of politics.

I've seen churches that avoided politics as a matter of course go full Q-Anon within a few years. Just as social media uptake ripped through the elderly population. With the congregation absorbing that stuff Monday through Saturday, they expect to hear about it on Sunday. It's a holy war. Churches that don't play politics are losing members to the ones who do fill the demand. These are polydrug abusers, if they don't get a hit of Trump with their Jesus, something's missing.

Comment Re:One could say the same of a web page (Score 1) 104

You underestimate what consumers will tolerate. The newer tech companies don't have any phone support, and it hasn't hurt them. Most of the time I've had to contact customer support (with few exceptions, like banks) there hasn't been any support to speak of.

Without programmers you don't have a product. That's much more of an impediment to business than lack of phone lines.

Comment Re:I think this is OK? (Score 1) 53

Depending on how it's implemented, this creates an excuse for inaccurate police reports. "The AI typed it for me."

If that excuse isn't given breathing room (it will be), maybe you could save some marginal seconds of officer time. But do officers typically transcribe entire conversations word-for-word, for every report they file? That's the only way this could possibly benefit anyone. Why would an interested party go to a transcript and not the original footage?

I'm sure there are some AI unicorns who'd love to sign some of these government contracts, though. It's life or death for them, that bubble's ready to pop.

Comment Re:Olden Times (Score 1) 148

You can find statistics to support the assertion you're more likely to get railroaded now than 50 years ago. I haven't seen any to suggest the opposite.

Evidence is great, if you can manage to present it. Chances are you won't get a trial.

Interestingly, that Kohberger serial killer dude, who was studying criminal justice, has now popped out with what his lawyers call an airtight cell phone alibi. I usually don't follow stories like that, but I get the feeling the cops will be studying that one closely for a while. I'll wait until the dust is settled before I read more into it.

Comment Re:Virtual AI Trump Simulator by Musk on X (Score 1) 45

On a serious note, I wonder who will end up taking the sick pleasure in monetizing his corpse. (And you know they will, by who he surrounds himself with, and how they feel about him.)

How much can they manage to charge for tickets, and what the physical arrangement will be? Would they be more like visitors to the Shroud of Turin, or more like the Lenin Mausoleum?

Comment Re:This makes sense (Score 2) 74

I'm not a programmer but I assume "evil" code follows the same syntax rules etc. as "good" code. Differentiating them is a value judgement made outside of the code itself.

What would really change the game is the ability to monitor CVEs from all sources, 24 hours a day, and immediately have a potential exploit for each one, to deploy against all targets.

It doesn't matter that the exploits won't compile half the time, and won't work another 49% of the time. It only needs to work on occasion to be useful. It's the same principle behind spam mail, and scams in general.

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