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Comment Re:Good news for Spacex (Score 1) 24

You step on the accelerator. Chemical reactions occur within thousands of small cells, instantly releasing vast amounts of pent up energy as huge volumes of electrons are forced through the path of least resistance through the motors that propel the vehicle. The huge torque of electric motors causes sudden intense acceleration that pushes you back in your seat. The car gains speed. Faster. Faster.

Finally, it reaches MECO1 and the back half of the car falls away and gently glides back to earth to soft land vertically at the launch pad.

Comment Re:Turf building (Score 2) 24

India was able to do a Mars satellite so cheaply by cutting lots of corners that NASA would have required.

For example, India failed to generate documents necessary to form a committee that would make plans to do a study on how to begin planning the mission. Definitely cutting corners.

Comment Re:Population issue? (Score 2) 308

So we enable everyone to have more offspring...and then they need an even greater amount of food. Then we just end up back where we were. How long can we keep ignoring the fact that population is the problem. Global warming, peak oil, antibiotic resistant diseases, ozone hole, etc. All of it will just keep getting worse if we don't do something about our population.

What you say is logical and seems quite obvious when you think about it.

Problem is what you *didn't* say. You didn't mention that every wealthy country has a stagnating population, actually declining in many cases. You didn't mention that the countries with exploding populations are all in Africa, South America, Middle East, and South Asia. As in, black and brown people.

Since the white people countries and lighter-yellow skinned East Asian countries are not growing in population, no action is needed there (obviously). Any population control measures must be applied to black and brown countries. And therein lies the problem. Progressives oppose it because this flies smack in the face of liberal ideology, which states that black and brown people are a gift from Gaea, to be treasured and nurtured. Conservatives oppose it because Jeebus forbids contraception and preventing any birth is a sin.

Any effort to help Africa with its population problem will be instantly attacked with charges of racism and genocide. By parties on all sides of the political aisle.

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