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Comment Re:Diversity or rote political correctness? (Score 1) 287

No it shouldn't. If gender is a predictor of ability then the probability distributions are BY DEFINITION not independent. If therefore you use the knowledge of gender after evaluating ability then you are treating them as independent variables when you combine them. This is mathematically bogus.

Actually, that's just mathematically simplistic. Here's what your reasoning does not account for: There are leanings, abilities and competencies that do not exist in isolation from other influences. Gender can be one of those. Therefore, to the extent that affect is possible, it is a valid consideration.

It could be a positive for either sex.

For instance, the air force has definitively determined that females are significantly better at maintaining more comprehensive situational awareness in complex aerial situations. This is because of a real world gender-based difference in information processing.

On the other hand, if one was hiring a bouncer, the competencies lean strongly the other way.

There will be outliers, of course, but that's why we need to think about these things rather than operate by rote. The law, unfortunately, but needfully (due to blind prejudice), specifies decision by rote. This is why many parts of the decision making process have gone missing from public view.

Comment Re:Pop culture mental fugue (Score 0) 287

Comparing "murder" with "reporting the race of Google employees in a way you don't like" is a little hysterical, don't you think?

Sure it is. Why are you doing it?

Do you simply love the smell of straw in the morning? Is there a crow problem where you live? C'mon, give over. Inquiring minds want to know!

Comment Regex? That's my butler's name! (Score 1) 92

There is an issue of readability that crops up when maintainance is a consideration. Serious regex reads like APL after being put through a shredder.

I'd rather not use a regex if there's something clearer available:




...and so on.

On the other hand, when writing my own language (yeah, I know, shut up), one of the very first things I did was incorporate regex handling, so WTF. :)

Comment Re:Perl still around? (Score 1) 92

And with Ruby you don't need a specialized editor to tell me the difference between space and tab characters.

If your editor can't tell you the difference between tabs and spaces, you need a better editor. It's 2015. No need to stick with weak development tools.

Which is not to say that Ruby isn't a fine language. It is. As is Python 2. And 3.

Comment Re: Second post! (Score 1) 92

Like Python 3?

Yes. Precisely.

Python 3.x is not Python 2.x by any means. Python 2 code won't work under Python 3, and safe conversion requires complete re-testing and so is unlikely to be a practical or sane option for many installations, regardless of tools that do it automatically. That's not to say that Python 3 might not be a better language than Python 2; just that it isn't the same language, any more than Ruby or Perl is the same as Python 2.

But this is one area where open source comes to the rescue. The ability to keep Python 2.x relevant without breaking everything is readily available to anyone who needs it and can afford the investments in time and effort. Python 3 is an option, not a requirement, just as the new version of Perl is.

Comment Diversity or rote political correctness? (Score 2, Interesting) 287

what equipment they keep between their legs

Related to that, however, is the question of what hormonal influences may arise. For one example (of many possible), with males, you often see more aggression, and (obviously) with females, less. Pretending there can be no relevant differences WRT job performance is not an optimum approach. Furthermore, interactions between the people of significantly different sexual identity are of inherently different natures. Much as the incoherent would like you not to believe it, the vast majority of us are sexual creatures. We are naturally and unavoidably affected by other concerns than the specifics of today's TPS report.

Same thing goes for age, various cultural influences, parent or not, single or not, personal maintainance, presentation, health, mobility, superstition, depth of education, and means of education (conventional, autodidact, on-the-job, etc.)

Because of these truths, consideration should be given to such factors. And of course it is, and always will be. But mostly because of the law, much of this is now sub-rosa, which is entirely a bad thing -- a bad thing that at least partially offsets the benefits of the law overriding (or at least attempting to override) people who operate using a chain of reasoning that primarily incorporates blind prejudice rather than "how will this affect job performance?"

Politically correct often means "poorly thought out and mostly harmful." When there are differences, there are differences. Pretending otherwise doesn't make such things go away. It just makes them harder to deal with.

Comment Pop culture mental fugue (Score 0, Flamebait) 287

TFS blargificates as follows:

To be fair to Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Apple and Amazon didn't want people to see their EEO-1 numbers, either.

Suppose I said "To be fair to [a murderer], [other murderer1], [other murderer2], [other murderer3] and [other murderer4] didn't [fail to murder], either."

Suddenly it becomes (or should become) obvious that there is nothing relevant whatsoever about the other entity's actions that involves being "fair" to the entity being examined.

Google is being evil here. No slack for this should be contemplated whatsoever. It is irrelevant to our consideration of Google if/that others are being evil as well. The metric shouldn't in any way be "everyone does it", it should be "this company is doing bad things, and they should stop."

You don't get a pass or a better evaluation for being an ass just because others are asses too. If you're an ass, you're an ass. There is no moral or ethical relief to be had, no excuse that arises, no forgiveness earned, by simply being part of some kind of grouping of asses.

Comment Perhaps not all that obivous (Score 1) 265

If this whole hypothesis pans out, the difficulty in making a space craft that makes use of this phenomenon is that it would eventually build up a large positive charge, which would eventually damage the craft, if it can't be dealt with.

Wait. I'm confused. If it's spitting out electrons that are *part* of it, yes, it'd go positive. It'd also be losing mass (and changing composition) which puts it right back into the "I am fuel and will run out" category.

But if the electrons are merely the photons re-directed out one edge here, then it's a conduit, like a wire, not a charge reservoir or source. Just as a wire doesn't constantly gain positive charge because electrons are moving along it, I don't see why this stuff would either.

And if the photons are coming from outside... well, there's no reason for something that arrives and then leaves to change the net charge of the thing it is passing through/by/along/whatever. Again, just like a wire.

Or do I have this all wrong?

Comment Re:Blockland! (Score 1) 108

I don't recall the details, but there's a company out there -- somewhere -- that offers, or offered at one time, to take your minecraft "thing" and give you a 3D print of it. Make it real, sort of.

It's be interesting to see the same thing with the lego software. An opportunity, perhaps.

Comment Re:Obviously (Score 3, Interesting) 265

I wonder if they've weighed the sponges. One possibility is that the sponges are deteriorating in a particular direction, thus engaging in conventional "stuff out one end makes you go the other way" propulsion. And also becoming traditional "will get used up" style fuel in the process. :)

Though it'd be all kinds of awesome if it was creating coherent motion out of energy delivered by photons without wearing out. Now *that* could be a space drive.

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