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Comment I respect Adobe 100x more than them (Score 1) 98

You know what? If a page takes 200 milliseconds longer to run because JS performance isn't quite as fast who cares?

None of these browser speed wars addresses the problem that when I watch Hulu on machines that aren't top-of-the-line state-of-the-art, the video is jumpy often to the point of unwatchability.

My pipe is fat enough and the computers I'm using can do fullscreen video just fine. It's Flash, especially on Linux, that kills performance. Most video sites still use Flash, as do a lot of those fun little games, etc., and the only only alternative to Flash in most cases is to go without the site or functionality. Flash is what makes web browsing slow. Every other performance issue is like line noise in comparison.

Old times, when some company abandons/will abandon your computer/OS or you can't decide whether to join the herd (windows) or run linux/BSD, you always had Firefox at your mind. You would think it would have Firefox support and would run it one way or another.
Now, they dropped PowerPC binaries (because their cool looking addressbar not working) and speak about dropping anything below SSE3. Publicly that is...
Code is being infested by completely unportable x86 specific ASM to join cool kids with JS asm acceleration.
If they weren't afraid of Win32 users, they would drop X86 32bit in no time because 64bit runs 20% faster!" and they will have great fan feedback from idiots who have no clue about anything other than 64bit is faster.
Does Adobe support PowerPC? Yes they do. They have to do massive trickery on OS X (not hacks) but they do. Your Flash is probably slow because it doesn't do GPU decoding. If you use Linux, Adobe has a weird excuse. If you use OS X, they have a very good/justified excuse as Apple refused to add a central GPU decoding framework open to others (not private) until OS X 10.6.3. Running 10.5.8 on a production machine you can't update? Bad luck.

Comment At cost of? (Score 2, Insightful) 98

In other news, OS X PowerPC was dropped and there is also a crazy talk about dropping anything=SSE3. They really lost the design philosophy of Firefox or anything Mozilla. What happened to portability especially when nobody likes their mobile offerings? How many times they must learn to think outside X86 PC?
Firefox in speed race with a company who controls/knows about every single device they shipped (Apple) and another who can spend couple of billions of dollars in no time without even noticing it (Google).
As a person who knows and always respected Mozilla mission, I feel obliged to post this although I know what kind of karma suicide it is.
I really wonder what kind of management took over Mozilla. I remember old days these guys spending hours to make it run/compile on OS/2, dead desktop OS, not completely documented and stabilized one like OS X 10.5.8 PPC.
What about Atom CPUs Mozilla guys? Drop that too as it will make you score less in couple of benchmarks? I heard netbooks are outfashioned, perhaps you should drop them next to keep yourselves cool (!)

Comment You really needed that blog entry? (Score 1) 212

First of all, this is valid for all offerings. If a company claims to ship a website design/rapid development tool, a new codec, a container, check if they offer OS X support. E.g. a Quicktime output codec, Adobe tools plugins, plugins to popular website building tools. If they don't exist, it is safe to ignore.

Next, take OS X as reference as it doesn't have claimed quirks of Linux. Does it have exactly same plugin support? Do users care? I suggest OS X as example because Linux has these great excuses by plugin developers. For example adding DRM, h264 becomes big deal as excuse of lazy developers and clueless companies while Linux users happily installs Adobe Flash plugin which has same potential political issues.

So, World's nr1 designer choice of OS with a huge company and a strict roadmap to rely on doesn't have Silverlight functionality as equal to Windows one. It really required that blog to figure that it is a failed attempt to kill Flash?

Comment Mono isn`t Silverlight (Score 2, Informative) 212

Moonlight works ok.

Mono is not at feature parity with Silverlight. I don`t even talk about non existing developer and designer environment for Linux/OS X/BSD.

Even MS admits that Silverlight may not be really cross platform as once envisioned and you Mono/Moonlight/Icaza fans still mention Moonlight.

For industry (if they took SL serious, silverlight is whatever offered at MS Windows Update, which is version 4 or something now.

Comment Yahoo could donate couple of blades to (Score 1) 215

I'd be interested to see who would host something like that.

if I had the bandwidth for a good price, I'd consider it.

If Yahoo was run by sane people, instead of issuing halt command, they could keep on hosting it. It wouldn't cost a dime.
Or, if they were nice, they could also transfer subdomain to and donate some machines to carry it. That is in case if they want to play Steve Jobs instead of actually thinking like him. Steve Jobs didn't destroy old macs, he donated them to museum.

It is absolutely static html with very simple cgi scripts (if exists), it doesn't cost anything to host it. That is the part that makes me mad and the fact that trivial to compress them.

For the "blink" tag elite geniuses... Archaeology and history sciences would be in very different place if people from 300-400 years ago were unwise to erase "lame graffiti" all over the historic places. Europeans of dark ages were more clever than today's "it is lame, lets delete it" elite it seems.

Comment Re:Distorted pictures? (Score 0, Troll) 182

Light from the case leaks into pictures taken by the back and front camera on the White iPhone 4 causing distorted pictures.

Um, more like overexposed to hell. The camera basically can't regulate exposure if that's the case.

I don't think anyone picking up iPhone 4 instead of devices like Nokia N8 does really care about exposure issues.

By N8, I don't really say/buy "omg 12mpixels", I speak about these

Comment Apple and others (Score 1) 182

Basically, nobody other than Apple has any right to ship a device with an obvious issue.
Nokia almost crashed because of underpowered N97. It is just -kind of- being fixed with Nokia N8 and CEO etc. changes.
MS gave up the entire Windows Mobile and started from zero with Windows 7. That is the company who is still rumored to keep some code from Windows 95 all the way to Windows 7.
If a manufacturer like HTC does ship something buggy/problematic, they have no cult to apologize for them or flame others. Nokia thought it actually had such fan base and saw the sad truth with N97 and hundred billion dollars of lost value.
These manufacturers and software vendors (MS Win 7, Symbian, MeeGo) actually knows they will go under if they do same mistake couple of times in row so they could be forced to code/design better.

Comment Or not? (Score 0, Troll) 182

Fix it before you ship it.

If I was working at Apple or even boss of it, I would not care that much.
Did it flop because of it? No, it basically sold even more after the amazing amount of PR and fan apologies.
If you look deeper, the childish removal of Flash, Java etc. It all makes sense when you have 99% of customer base reasoning and actually fighting with other people to defend your decisions.
How many iPhones were returned because of antenna issues? Dare to have a guess?

Comment XPS shows what is wrong with MS (Score 4, Interesting) 520

XPS shows everything wrong with MS, even with a rival (!) like Adobe.

They come up with a "document" standard and yet they didn't even ship a viewer (let alone some virtual printer) for OS X. I am not even mentioning Linux support which is big deal on corporate. I don't want to cost anyone their job at that weirdo company so not giving any examples but it seems, they do create a lot of docs on OS X, export to PDF (or PS), re-export to XPS on a Windows machine/bot.

That is supposed to be Microsoft's answer to PDF. Just imagine if XPS really replaced PDF. It wouldn't be a nice day for anyone not using Windows on Desktop/Mobile. I am not even sure if there is an official XPS viewer for Windows 7 Mobile.

I got creative friends and imagine my surprise when I find out about "Expression" software, as I am not in that segment, I asked them and they -too- didn't have a clue about that software. They had a good laugh when they heard they are supposed to use "that thing" (their words) to do work for Silverlight. You know, in dream World of MS (and Ballmer), designers even use MS Visual Studio and OS X using designers install Eclipse to do Silverlight. Yea, right.

Comment Paranoia is good (Score 1) 324

I was wondering around on Youtube. Some teen star got amazing amount of views and he is constantly attacked by some self made gang. As there was nothing else to do and Youtube's "live comments" really may look like some genuine sitcom, I kept watching.
There were were mysterious people around, who should not be a teen boy stars fans and shouldn't be hanging around on particular video's comments. When I saw one trying to set some deeper conversation with some teen/kid (naturally), I had to say "careful, lots of strange things happening over comments" and that idiot went off.
If there were couple of Sheriffs or cops around to figure the same thing (and they are pros, let me remind) and those perverts figured they were probably watching or even setting up traps for them, they wouldn't try to talk some 12 year old girls about their personal life.
Let me remind you, these people are mentally sick, they aren't stupid or morons. People always confuse the sick with stupid.

Comment Even worse, a major blow to HTML5 (Score 1) 288

If this thing doesn't run, even without the fancy GPU acceleration on XP, it means the web developers will still develop/test for IE 7/8. So, they won't use any of promised HTML5 features including HTML5/h264 video.

Degrade politely, browser capability detection etc. are meaningless. They don't do it. Basic as that.

If MS really wanted to compete, they would make it compatible with XP. Here comes the never ending saga of IE 7/8 updates/compatibility issues.

Comment Windows 7 is backwards compared to 6.5 (Score 1) 311

Windows 7 seems to look like a poster child for "how portable .NET is". Speak to Windows 6.x users, they are really really frustrated.

Windows 6.5 does multi task, can be developed in any language, it has amazing amount of development options, "deep level running" software such as Antivirus/Firewall are in very mature levels now.

You are right about "newer API and kernel calls" for Desktop operating systems but, lets say you are a guy who just cares about reading/smalltime editing office files, checking IMAP mail, little web browsing, IM. You don't need to "upgrade" (including device) to a new OS. Your device doesn't flip over and die because "windows 7" ships, it keeps operating exactly the same.

What MS did is, act like Apple without being Apple. They called "death" of Windows Mobile 6.5 way too early. Just like the idiot Sony, owning the OS sources, kernel sources, having Nokia there in case something happens declared death/no updates of UIQ3 P1i. It is Sony, MS is not known for abandoning older operating systems and/or breaking compatibility. For example, I was very impressed when "Vista Basic" showed me GPU processing API update (windows platform upgrade) as a free download. That is something Apple would never do.

Comment You figured the trick (Score 1) 311

Of course, MS loves people to call Vista "dead" so they will upgrade to Windows 7 which is absolutely a service pack (just like Snow Leo/Plain Leo).
Noticed them not defending Vista on any platform while we users (I use OS X here!) who really knows how latest generation of OS upgrades do?

If I used Windows mobile 6.5 and liked it, I wouldn't be upgrading to Windows 7 anytime soon since it is a damn premature OS compared to Windows Mobile 6.5. Somehow, people think there is some kind of "kill switch" which activates and their phone works worse when major OS upgrade happens. As a Symbian S60 V3 user which would stay on UIQ3 if Sony wasn't that dumb, I disagree.

If you like the OS you use, it can be fixed/secured with vendor updates or even security solutions/utilities, there is absolutely no reason to "upgrade". Especially on mobile operating systems which also requires an entire new device.

Comment iPhone users must have laughed a lot (Score 1) 311

Don't forget the genius of killing a full feature mobile OS to compete with Apple iPhone and somehow managing to make iPhone users MAD before you even ship a working device.

"They made a funeral for my beloved mobile phone, lets pre-order their device."

It wouldn't change if the device in question was Symbian or Android. If you want to compete with a platform, don't troll their existing users for God's sake.

Comment WinMO 7 dead before born? (Score 1) 311

Here is just 2 examples which I can give as a Symbian user (so not following rest).

Nimbuzz: XMPP based, ultra reliable multi platform (more like massively multi) application which is famous/popular on almost all mobile platforms. It is clear that Nimbuzz like multi platform apps require significant work to be coded for Windows 7 mobile on a framework which doesn't really exist on any other platform. The usual "code the UI in C++, code the core in ultra portable C" trick doesn't work on Windows 7. Nobody would likely spare time to that unless MS magically manages to grab at least 10% market share. They are big deal since obviously, they have no issues with professional coding _and_ Windows/Microsoft themselves. Thanks to the premature call for EOL Windows mobile 6.5, they also had to declare the support for existing platform will be limited and no updates will be shipped. A great way to deal with people already using/liking MS Mobile Operating systems (yes,they exist).

Mozilla team: Declared they won't be supporting Windows 7 mobile. That is a big deal since we, Symbian users were closely following Mozilla mobile projects and flaming them for years as their actual, working browser shipped for Windows Mobile first. They had their very valid reasons (check below for gcc)

I understand most mobile developers like _standard_ tools, like gcc. They want to be able to use any operating system to develop&test. iPhone requires you XCode on Mac but XCode is still gcc, Apple wasn't stupid to break away from open source/standard toolchain. It is one of reasons why Nokia&partners spent hundreds of millions of dollars to open source Symbian and it is already becoming possible to develop for and even build the entire OS itself with GNU tools.

IMHO large companies/organizations should be watched by independent developers before they gamble their time for Windows Mobile 7 (or whatever Ballmer calls it). If you really want to struggle developing for a strange platform, Symbian^3/Qt could be a nice start.

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