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Comment Re:Why the overreaction? (Score 1) 166


Unfuckingbelievable. Reasonably concerned individuals are "ninnies?" It doesn't matter if the entire earth was covered in nuclear waste, absurdists like you will always say "why is this even news?"

WTF is up with nuke-nutters love-affair with this insanely expensive, forever deadly garbage? THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE MORE EXPENSIVE AND MORE DIRTY THAN NUCLEAR -- once you add up development costs and indefinite waste storage costs. Had we not needed fuel for bombs, and grossly overestimated that need by a factor of 100, we never even would have developed commercial fission reactors... because... cost. It would have sat on the drawing board as long as the waste problem was not solved reasonably, which it never can be because it only takes a generation or two before everyone forgets everything about which those earlier generations were concerned. Where did Abraham Lincoln leave his favorite pen? Answer that, definitively, before telling me safely storing waste for 250--> 30K years is even remotely possible.

Oh, but nuclear radiation kills less people than slippery showers? Except that all it takes is one good accident to throw your bullshit stats into chaos.

Comment Re:Movie projector. Reel-to-reel tape recorder. (Score 1) 790

not sure how long they last but got some good stuff waiting

They'll last longer if stored vertically, and "tails out," i.e. wrapped backwards, so you have to rewind the entire tape before playing (reduces magnetic ghosting). Digitize that as soon as you can. Every time you play it on the tape deck, sound quality degrades slightly and never comes back.

Comment Re:It's All In The Spelling (Score 1) 786

The thing you seem to have failed to grasp is "Truth is objective."

I'm on your side. But even I know that is false except in the pure sciences such as mathematics and logic. You need to brush up on your epistomolgy, perhaps talk to some blind men about what an elephant is. Objective Truth may exist elsewhere, but it is unknowable.

Comment Re:Been there and stuff ... (Score 1) 786

No one ever said "Tobacco kills." It does not. It probably causes emphysema, but it doesn't kill you any faster than sunlight (UV-C) will. What kills you is smoking the 300+ carcinagens and poisons that are synthetically and intentionally added by Big Tobacco in order to make it more addictive than natural tobacco. Pipe smokers, who smoke natural tobacco, live longer than anyone (FACT!). If tobacco kills, the Native Americans wouldn't have been here by the time the Spanish came to the New World.

It is very strange that Big Tobacco lost one of the largest lawsuits in the history of lawsuits, and yet they are allowed to continue manufacturing and selling death. Recently, the remainder of their financial punishment was forgiven... and they still produce their product (which is technically not even "tobacco," it is substituted, shreded, poison PAPER, that looks like tobacco) identically to how they produced it before the lawsuit in the 1990's.

Comment Re:Scientists are the minority (Score 1) 786

Science will never have enough money to win the war on global warming.

... so long as denying global warming is profitable. Raise the carbon-emmission fines, raise them up fierce, and fucking the environment will no longer be profitable. Give insentives to corps and manufacturers to not only produce their own clean energy, but to stop poluting. Make being a responsible global citizen profitable... and the scientists can get back in their labs where they belong. Its not going to be enough, we're going to feel the effects, our children and their children will live through some shitty weather, but eventually the planet will reverse the effectsi itself and find equilibrium.

Comment Re:The religion of peace (Score 1) 490

...The problem of reverse cultural integration mainly seems to be an issue with Islam....

Only Islam seems to advocate violence before peaceful protest.

You are confusing legitimate Islam with extremism, and making a fallacious argument. After watching David Koresh burn himself, his family, and his followers to death, did you think "all Christians are homicidal nuts!"

There are mostly ordinary faithful non-extremist Muslims in the world, civilized, rational, and peaceful. They have nothing to do with the absurd extremist fringes of Islam, which could be successfully argued isn't even Islam, and taking all their numbers only counts for a fraction of a percent of the entirety of the population of Islamic followers. Don't do that. Even 500,000 douche bag Muslims does not mean all 1.8Billion Muslims are douche bags.

Comment Re:Conclusion goes too far? (Score 2) 159

Can you really generalize that all the internal network must be from the block? What prevents those addresses from being used other than convention and router setup. Perhaps they are only for the internal government computers to make them completely invisible to outside networks.

he immediately realized that every time the browser loads, its first move is to make a request to a non-routable IP address,

Its written poorly, but it sounds to me merely like the default site on the browser is set to so its possible whomever built that first instance is using a private network, used that internal address to test that his build worked, or is using an IP is not live, somehow left the default in there when it was distributed... or maybe all home routers in N.Korea have that as the internal IP address, and to make set up convenient, the browser just loads the home router's set up page at its internal address.. It is a massive leap to say all of N. Korea is a single private network just because the browser loads some arbitrary address. Its possible N. Korea is doing this, but this is not the kind of isolated evidence I would stake my life on, or bet money on.. I'd sooner believe TFA author made an error in judgement if he believes this absolute evidence of his theory simply because the browser loaded that IP first rather than www.getfirefox.com, www.mozilla.org, or whatever mozilla usually sets it to by default. If someone looked at your browser, and noticed when launched, it loads http://slashdot.org/ you really cannot make any conclusions from that, such as that you're a slashdot reader, because just because the browser tries to connect does not mean it can or will.

Comment Re:It's URL, not IP. And 10/8 is _routable. (Score 1) 159

Another summary written by a clueless, not a nerd.

10/8 network is a perfectly routable IP range. is a URL, not an IP address. It also has an extra dot before the closing slash.

"News for _nerds_", sure...

Good stuff! I hope you're kidding. That's not a URL, nor an extra dot before the trailing slash (see TFA) because most sentences in English end in a period. And if you can route to it, you're probably in N. Korea or running the same private network elsewhere.

Comment "Allah" is just Arabic for "God". (Score 2) 1350

They bombed the London Tube for Allah...

"Allah" is just Arabic for "God". (Literally "The God" i.e. the one, the only, monotheist deity.) Christians who speak Arabic use the same word for the Christian deity - which Muslims recognize as the same entity. The word has the same root as Yahweh, Jehova, JHVH.

Interestingly, Muslims explicitly recognize Christians and Jews as "People of The Book", and the Torah and the Bible as explicitly their people's version of a heavenly-mandated collection of the genuine revealed word of God - though allegedly corrupted by time and translations. They claim there are many such books, but these two they explicitly recognize as valid instances.

They also explicitly recognize Jesus ("Issa") as a prophet (their second highest ranking one, if I have this right), Mary as their only known female prophet, and include the Second Coming in their end-times predictions. ("Prophet" is defined as someone who receives messages from God, directly or via heavenly messenger.)

Comment A pity hard write protect is no longer an option. (Score 1) 181

When you use a usb drive, you'll be safe, until someone plugs it into that machine not knowing that as soon as they do, it will begin encrypting what's accessible on that usb drive.

Disk drives - hard, floppy, etc. - used to have a hardware write protect feature. (Switch, punched-notch, etc.) Set it and there was no way the stored content could be changed. A backup that you'd set would not be vulnerable to rewrite attacks when plugged into an insufficiently-cleaned machine to restore the files.

Then drives came out where software could override the write protection.

Then the feature went out of fashion. Drives were apparently a bit cheaper that way.

A pity.

Comment It's like GPL (Score 1) 124

So to make invention still go you first need to patent it, then you release it for free to all. Why do we still have patents at all, again?

Because that's the current law and getting it changed is an exercise in futility.

So, just like copyright and the GPL, they have to patent it first to keep OTHER people from patenting it and locking them out of their own invention. Once that's done they can go ahead and give it away if they want (or cross-license with people with other patents on useful stuff).

Sure it would be nice if patents went away on a lot of stuff - or even everything. It would be nice if other countries wouldn't try to conquer us if we disarmed, too. But as long as patents are there, inventors are forced to stay armed.

Comment Re:No, not practically, no. (Score 1) 124


The fastest I've gotten a pump to run is about 1/10th gal/sec. That's 6 galons per minute. So you fill your tank every time you're six galons down?

My "car" - a Ford F-150 pickup truck - has a 37 galon tank, which I normally run nearly dry before refilling when I'm using it in the SF Bay Area. (I keep it full when I'm in less forgiving areas - like the Nevada desert.) At 6 gal/min maximum that's a 6+ minute fill up - plus "topping off" to a round amount, two trips to the cashier. (No WAY I'm trusting that much cash to the bill eater kiosk.) Waiting in line, getting change and reciept, hitting the rest room, ... Call it 15 to 25 minutes.

Fortunately I only have to do it a couple times a month.

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