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Comment Re:yet if we did it (Score 1) 463

Not defending the cop, but have a read of the law itself, not the FAQ.

Paragraph e in the section permits it for emergency services personnel in the course of their duties.

A lot of road rules have emergency services exclusions. e.g. driving against the flow of traffic, ignoring control and command signs and lights, ignoring speed limits etc. They ARE expected to be trained to do so safely and only when absolutely unavoidable. If the LA County Sheriff's Department didn't instruct the deputy properly, then they should be held liable.

Comment Re:customer-centric (Score 1) 419

Some of us do understand it. Others define it as a copyable bunch of electrons because that allows them to steal movies and TV shows and games without listening to their conscience.

Others, like myself, understand digital is still property, but do it anyway because our own countries don't show these things on anything like an acceptable schedule. And we partly mollify our consciences by buying the DVDs later.

Comment Re:"Fan favorites"? (Score 2) 364

And of course all the idiots replying take the standard there is one and only one explanation to anything. People, there are often multiple reasons that something happens, and often all of them are actually valid.

They weren't looking for a hot butt, just someone willing to have their butt moulded on international television. She was already interning at M5 and got chosen because her willingness to do that.

Comment Re:Space? (Score 1) 246

I've always been a bit worried about the response time for the stop button at near light speeds. Press the stop button and by the time the circuits have reacted, you're a few thousand light years beyond your target and have to turn around and go back.

Comment Re:Old tech (Score 1) 81

True, but that's the choice of the station operators or the country's standard body. Some operate MPEG-4 or H.264 over DVB-T.

The station probably doesn't want to replace their encoders that they've used for satellite transmission before digital terrestrial was launched in their country.

Comment Re:The infection the 'right-sizes' the human race (Score 1) 183

You are failing to take into account the steady decline in the global birth rate since the mid 1980s. While we are at 1.1% now, we were over 2% in the 60s and have steadily dropped from 1.6% in 1990 and will go under 1% by 2020 and hit 0.5% by 2050 at the current rates. The current prediction for an extra 2 billion is 30 years time and to reach a peak of 11 billion in the early 22nd century before beginning to drop off.

The driving forces behind 3+ children were lack of basic education, religious beliefs and poverty. As the information evolves, the first two factors are fast disappearing. People are fast gaining an understanding of the growth issues globally and are adjusting their behaviors because of that understanding.

What may require intervention are the farming processes and the distribution of foods. The calorie requirements in developed countries have dropped because of the less manual labour nature of the economies, but the calorie consumption has increased dramatically. That is something that should be rectified both for the health of the population and to increase the availability of food in areas where needed. Easy access to higher density cultivars and reversion to soil management techniques from previous centuries is also essential. This might need a breaking of the business models of food, fertilizer and seed companies, but we don't like Monsanto anyway, don't we.

There is a growth issue and a food/water issue, but it isn't an exponential issue.

Comment Re:Why aren't space pictures better? (Score 2) 62

Also, in addition to the bandwidth and generation of equipment involved, consider the range from Rosetta to the comet when the photos were taken.

One of the photos includes a |---2km---| scale marker. That means the camera is a bit further out than a studio photographer and distance reduces both the image size and amount of light reaching the camera.

Also, the amount of light at the comet location is lower than in a photographic studio, so longer exposures are needed which increase the effect of craft shake and sensor noise.

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