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Submission + - Facebook Bans Browser Plugin FGS, And Its Develope 1

An anonymous reader writes: Facebook has banned a very popular browser plugin called Friendly Gaming Simplifier (FGS). The plugin’s webpage ( now serves up a “403 Forbidden” error message, since its developer, Arkadiusz Rzadkowolski, has complied with the company’s requests to take it down. Facebook has also banned him from the social network and denied him the right to develop anything for the service. A petition to save the plugin has been launched.

Submission + - Leaked Memo Says Apple Provides Backdoor to Govern 2

Voline writes: In a tweet early this morning, cybersecurity researcher Christopher Soghoian pointed to an internal memo of India's Military Intelligence that has been liberated by hackers and posted on the Net. The memo suggests that, "in exchange for the Indian market presence" mobile device manufacturers, including RIM, Nokia, and Apple (collectively defined in the document as "RINOA") have agreed to provide backdoor access on their devices.

The Indian government then "utilized backdoors provided by RINOA" to intercept internal emails of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a US government body with a mandate to monitor, investigate and report to Congress on "the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship" between the US and China. Manan Kakkar, an Indian blogger for ZDNet, has also picked up the story and writes that it may be the fruits of an earlier hack of Symantec.

If Apple is providing governments with a backdoor to iOS, can we assume that they have also done so with Mac OS X?

Submission + - A Honda Civic Lesson ( 4

Attila Dimedici writes: "Eric Peters makes the case that hybrids have been over-hyped. His argument is that in order to sell people on hybrid cars, automakers have emphasized the energy efficiency of hybrids in ideal conditions and failed to tell people that in most ordinary driving conditions they will not come close to meeting the numbers given. He refers to a recent case where an individual has chosen to forego membership in a class action law suit and has instead chosen to go to small claims court. He suggests that there is a significant chance that she will win there and that this will open up all of the manufacturers of hybrid vehicles to similar lawsuits.
The article was on a rather partisan website so I am curious as to what factors he has chosen to overemphasize to make his case? Or what factors he has chosen to ignore to the same end? I know that slashdot has a large contingent of hybrid and EV supporters who are well educated on the subject (as well as a large contingent of those who are not so well educated)."

Comment Re:But how many of those 700,000 are alive? (Score 1) 358

meeting in a club is no indication of how old is ham radio. There (We) are a lot of hamradio operators with 1/2 of the age you state..
Im 37... and being a ham since 18... but I do not like to go to clubs but investigate about antennas, CW and QRP.. visiting a club to gossip with other members is not my kind

Comment Re:I am. (Score 3, Interesting) 358

Everybody can talk, but CW is an art.
you are invited to join to improve your CW skills step by step.

I learnt CW when I was 12, and got my first Ham license when I was 18, I returned to hamradio last year.. after more than 12 years not using it and after tasting digital modes.. Im back to CW.. it is sooo nice.

Submission + - hacked (

epe writes: well, it seems security should concern everybody, a page was defaced today as it looks from site

Comment Re:Why it took so long (Score 5, Interesting) 184

besides that, SL-6 is not as close to RHEL as CentOS, for example, I was not able to install SL-6 as a domU into a Xen dom0 2 weeks ago.. right now I easily installed CentOS-6 as a domU in the very same dom0. SL simply forgets several things, CentOS people are much more closer to RHEL-6 in this way.


Submission + - US Dept of Commerce Wants To Handle Your Passwords (

Art Vanderlay writes: US Commerce Department has just disclosed plans for a national cyber-identity system that will let you use a single secure password and identity for all of your digital transactions. the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) will be an opt-in system that is designed to protect users from online fraud and identity theft. It will be interesting to see if people will trust the government with their passwords. I, like many slasdotter's, will pass on this offer.

Submission + - Someone else's data 5

Spudster writes: Recently I purchased a server on Ebay that was not properly wiped by the leasing company that sold it. The result is a server that boots up into someone else's operating system. In this day and age of data breaches and personal information disclosures, what is the proper course of action to report something like this?

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