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Comment Re:I have an idea to stop the need for anti-biotic (Score 1) 551

So, sealing the hole in the ozone layer will
a) contribute to global warming, because it will re-establish a layer of greenhouse gasses that had previously gone missing.
b) contribute to global cooling because the greenhouse gasses protect us from being hit directly by solar radiation.
c) look, the hole in the ozone layer is fixed, global warming is unpossible!

Comment Re:I have an idea to stop the need for anti-biotic (Score 1) 551

Far better is to start a rumor that the extra weight is antibiotic resistant superbugs, anyways what happens to the livestock that are left to deal with superbugs? Do we give them antibiotics? Cheap low-grade antibiotics? Super-antibiotics that we use on people to get rid of superbugs? How do we deal with the inevitable larger quantities of superbugs?

Comment Re:I have an idea to stop the need for anti-biotic (Score 1) 551

So, an environmental engineer absentmindedly decided it was worth keeping the disease and getting rid of the stress? I'm not sure legislation will work very well on this. For example, you can't legislate that the hole in the ozone layer go away, it just doesn't work like that. I didn't read the article, but, the legislation actually has to work. Does it?

Comment Re:More Info & Dashboard (Score 1) 1657

BS - There's always wiggle room for an argument and people smart enough to evaluate two expert opinions and decipher which one is earnest, or at least more approximately correct. Right people also have this silly little tendency to stick to the facts, sometimes beyond what is reasonably risky for them.

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
