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Comment Re: Basic ettiquette pays I guess (Score 4, Interesting) 113

I don't consider myself old (early 30s). I sometimes say "no problem" or "no worries" in response to a thank you ... but specifically, it's when I'm doing something to fix something that someone else did, or cover for them, that sort of thing. In other words, I'm trying to communicate that it wasn't a problem for me to help them out.

As opposed to responding to thankfulness for something "nice" or "kind," which would get something along the lines of the traditional "you're welcome."

Using the restaurant example, I wouldn't expect "no problem" to a "thank you" unless they were like, cleaning up something I spilled or something. If I said thank you for them bringing my food to the table and they said "no worries," that'd be a bit weird.

So yeah, I view it as being some what more communicative. It's not just "you're welcome," it's "no problem, don't worry about it/feel bad, it wasn't a big deal." Which doesn't make sense in all contexts, but I think it does in some.

Comment Re:Random comments about it. (Score 1) 179

If society want its fathers to be invested in the life of their kid so they don't bail out, it makes sense in investing in that relationship.

You said that better than I did, by far, and I totally agree.

I guess I might be in a slightly different position in that I actually work from home anyways. Sometimes I forget that most people are gone from 7am to 6pm or whatever. :)

Comment Random comments about it. (Score 2) 179

Random comments...

Workers with families may actually be beneficial to companies. Why? Speaking as a parent in a single-income household, I would think they are less prone to job-hunting/switching frequently. It'd be interesting to see statistics on employee turnover rate for single vs. married vs. married-with-kids (or vs. single-with-kids, whatever). My income is very important to me, because I have three other people to provide for (plus associated "life" activities). It's stressful to not have a job; it's more stressful when you have a spouse and kids to provide for and, well, not starve, get into debt, lose your house, that sort of thing.

That said ... heh, 20 weeks is a lot, that's like 5 months. I'm happy with 2-4 weeks of paternal leave, but it's not a huge deal if a company didn't give paternal leave. I think it's great, because IMO, it's a statement of the importance of family and the importance of fathers in family life. I mean, I wouldn't complain about 20 weeks! But I can see how someone might think 20 weeks for a *father* is a lot.

Also, that said, 20 weeks for a mother is *not* that much. Even the official pediatric recommendation is to breastfeed, exclusively, if you can, for at least 6 months. It's really, really, really hard to exclusively breastfeed while working if you have any milk supply issues at all... because pumping just doesn't work the same. Sure, maybe companies should take that into account when working out pay, or maybe some of that should be without pay, or whatever, but unless we want to say to women that having kids is unimportant, or that making them healthy is unimportant, then time off for those critical months in a baby's development is a big deal to me. As a father. ;)

Comment Re:What is the use case for smartwatch? (Score 3, Interesting) 38

I can think of two use cases that would be useful to me, if I had a smartwatch, which I don't. :)

  1. 1. Alarm for waking up in the morning without having something that also wakes up my wife and/or baby. But I'm not sure about wearing it on wrist and sending evil scary waves through my head all night (in the event I put my hand under my head while sleeping).
  2. 2. Phone notifications without having to get out my phone... e-mail, calls, sms, whatever. For example, I drive a tractor on our family farm (not my day job, or I'd be broke ;) ). I had to get a mount so I could put my phone up on the dashboard, otherwise there's just no way I hear it or feel it even in my pocket while driving the tractor. Other uses would be similar ... walking/running, etc. Just convenience, though.

... slashdot doesn't support "ordered lists" ? :(

Comment Re:You realize that homeopathic treatments are wat (Score 1) 297

The problem is ... things advertised as homeopathic are not always "just water." Sometimes, it's not diluted *that* much. And some "homeopathic" remedies include *non-diluted* ingredients that I've seen (e.g., herbs).

It gets confusing, because the real "homeopathy" with the whole "the less there is, the more powerful" thing is weird. But when "homeopathic" remedies include actual active ingredients that DO do things... that lends credibility to "homeopathy" if someone doesn't actually know any better.

It would be like marketing a "homeopathic" remedy for certain GI issues that "also includes" peppermint oil. Peppermint has an effect. The single molecule (if that) of Random Substance A? not so much. But look, a "homeopathy" worked!

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