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Comment Re:Yeah (Score 1) 562

The government should defend the Constitution instead of tear it apart.

Unfortunately the constitution and the associated bill of rights were intended to be limits upon the government so it is not surprising to see the government tearing at those walls. It is after all in it's nature to try to expand it's power, much like fire will continue to seek more fuel or a wild animal will feed again.

What is rather disappointing is to see the people, who are supposed to be the ultimate checks on the government, react with such antipathy towards these encroachments on their rights. The constitution and bill of right was designed so that they was a constant struggle between the will of the governments insatiable lust for power over the governed and the citizens desire to be free of the encumbrance of the government. But lately the people have abandoned their post and thrown their lot behind whoever has a letter behind their name that pleases them the most.

Comment Re:It's not about equality (Score 1) 335

Ya know, I am starting to think that is true. For all these articles and tumblr postings and tweets decrying the low population of women and minorities in STEM and especially comp sci I have not seen much from those leading the charge for more enrollment in computer science. If these leaders encouraged their followers ( a good portion of which are college age or soon to be) to switch majors to CS this diversity problem would be solved within 2-6 years. And there is more than enough scholarships to finance it even. But alas I think this is less about making a change and more about making noise.

Comment Re:Whatever (Score 1) 335

Companies that don't hire the best employees fail.

False. Just look at the board of directors of many companies - the companies survive based on inertia and cronyism, not merit.

Sorry, but I think the OP was referring to down in the trenches where the real work is done and production matters. Though you are probably right about the so called leadership positions. After hearing about some of Balmers escapades I am sure we could replace most of them with gorillas and no one would notice.

Comment Re:What bullshit (Score 1) 258

AI's will not be WEIRD, not 'evil'. They will want to do strange things, not kill us, or hurt us. They won't try to kill us, but instead try to create a massive, network devoted to deciding which species of from has more bacteria in it's toe.

OMG, they'll be grad students! It's worse than I thought!

Comment Re:Just what's needed! (Score 1) 138

Saying Jersey, the difference is between optional and mandatory.
If there was the option for "smart" guns to be sold alongside regular guns I doubt you would have heard a peep from the NRA, besides maybe a review in guns and ammo. But New Jersey decided that the moment a smart gun becomes available it must be mandatory on every weapon sold, then it becomes a matter of force vs choice. Repeal that little law and those who chose to use the smart guns can have them, while everyone else can purchase weapons with traditional safeties.

Comment Re:Sure... (Score 1) 343

Unfortunately, security is a cost center

Security is a cost center in the same way that insurance is a cost center. It is a current investment to reduce the risk and impact of future losses. No sane large business runs without insurance, yet plenty treat security as an after thought even though they serve almost the same function.
As a matter of fact I would predict insurance policies to require some security effort as a part of coverage fairly soon, since it could be argued that not securing your data is a form of negligence now a days.

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