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Comment Re: Sexism = Sexy these days (Score 4, Informative) 642

His friend that made the shirt tweeted about it soon after the controversy erupted:https://twitter.com/ellyprizeman/status/532927131098300416
Quite frankly I am pretty sure the guy did what every one else does when they get up in the morning to go to work, grab a shirt and some pants and go. He had more important things on his mind than a shirt like, I dunno, landing a probe on a comet.

Comment Re:Our metrics indicate... (Score 1) 185

Boss: " You know there is more to life than money"

I always find this phrase odd coming from management or HR of a for profit company. Like they would accept the same excuse coming from a customer.

Company: "You owe us $30,000 for the shipment you just received"
Customer: "But there is more to life than just money!"
Company: "Well okay then, we'll just give away our products for free."

I highly doubt that has ever happened, ever. Companies want to be paid for their product, it is how a company operates and continues to exist. People are the same when selling their product, namely labor. The laws of supply and demand do not cease to function just cause they are dealing with a single person.

Comment Re:Screw those hicks (Score 1) 265

You joke, but I am starting to become convinced that the only reason they have not used cluster bombs is because the police do not have them (yet). Police rarely receive any repercussions for excessive use of force, and any repercussions they do face are disproportionately light compared to a civilian or even ROE violations for service members. For example two situations that were similar but had vastly different outcomes:

  • On July 2 2012 1LT Clint Lorance was leading a patrol in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan when his platoon was approached by three unidentified Afghans on motorcycles. he gave the order to open fire, killing two while the third man fled. He was found guilty of murder by court martial and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
  • On February 7th 2013 seven police officers opened fire on a blue toyota pickup containing Maggie Carranza and Emma Hernandez during their search for Christopher Dorner. The officers were not charged with any crime and will face at most dismissal from the police force.

Two cases, two similar situations (unknown target moving in on a position). Yet it is the soldier who is found guilty of murder while the police get a slap on the wrist if that. I find it incredulous that soldiers in a hostile encounter situation are held to a higher standard to positively identify their target than the police in peacetime. And no I am not arguing that the Military should be held to a lower standard, I think the US military is the best and most professional fighting force in the world. But I do think the police should be held to a higher one, right now they are not seen as professionals but a bunch of thugs with guns and it should not be that way.

Comment Re:Screw those hicks (Score 5, Interesting) 265

It's not quite the army, but I feel a Posse Comitatus kinda thing goin' on.

After seeing some photos from Fergeson and other police response scenes I am hard pressed to tell the difference between the police and the military. And this is coming from someone who served in the US Army for 6 years as a combat arms MOS (M1A2 crewman to be exact). The only difference seems to be that the military has a much more stringent rules of engagement.

Comment Re:Google's forgoten its obligation to shareholder (Score 1) 134

Though this move is surely good news to those workers, I hope Google hasn't forgotten its obligation to [its] shareholders.

Google's action reflect the wishes of it's majority voting shareholders, class B holders Sergey and Larry. If the other hangers on want to complain, they are free to enact that oldest and noblest traditions of free market traditions, namely vote with their wallets and sell their stock. Sorry, but non-founders do not get a vote, which quite frankly I agree with.

Comment Re:Most animals? (Score 1) 481

While true, your examples are not really indicative of any "evolutionary rule", and other than the polar bear example (which has like 2-3 anecdotes behind it) they are not large mammals and not primates. The fact is many species absolutely do NOT kill/eat their own.

Just gonna leave this here for you. Be sure to pay close attention to the last minute or so.

Comment Re:In other words....Don't look like a drug traffi (Score 1) 462

No., I'm saying that doesn't happen. It's only happened a handful of times, EVER, and the courts fixed it.

It happens every time property is seized and used without an associated criminal conviction. Why in the hell is this concept so hard for people, if the property is used or the proceeds of a crime PROVE IT! Anything else is such a prima face violation of the 4th and 5th amendment that I am surprised the founding fathers haven't risen from the grave to kick the ass of whoever supports this crap.

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