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Comment Re:Just my take (Score 1) 374

I'm not arguing with you from the moral point of view, just the legal and real world one: Birth certificate, father: Unknown, Mom when asked, "I can't recall."

What does the system do with that? Not a whole lot it can do.....

Comment Re:51 % owner (Score 1) 374

if you have a limited amount of money, that doesn't give you the right to claim a large chunk of Bill Gate's money directly from him "because he has more."

Really? There's a whole political philosophy set up around doing exactly that.

Comment Re:Yesterday's News (Score 1) 120

That can give me a lot more insight into the background of a story than anywhere else.

Unless the story is about politics, then the comments (including the +5s) are in the groupthink sewer here the same as they'd be anywhere else. /. is at its best on stories about science, space, and technology. Most of the rest are clickbait.

Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 1) 494

If I want to do stuff that doesn't involve deep thought, I play some mindless video game (like an old NES game with an emulator, or an old arcade game like Pac-Man), or I go hiking or biking, or maybe watch some silly TV show like Big Bang Theory.

And other people watch Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty. Some smoke weed. Some find themselves on mindless websites. I fail to see why those choices are any less valid than yours.

You also seem to know an awful lot about Duck Dynasty; are you a closeted fan? I've never seen an episode myself -- no CATV in the Shakrai household -- the little bit I know about it comes from those people that get offended over it, which amuses me because nobody is forcing them to watch it.

BTW, you may think Robertson is an idiot, but he's made millions of dollars while you tilt at windmills on Slashdot.

Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 1) 494

I guess I can believe one of two things:

1) You're a smug elitist.
2) You're clairvoyant enough to know what every single viewer of Duck Dynasty believes.

I used to watch 24; if we apply your logic that means I condone torture. Funny that, I always found the show appealing because it had lots of gunfights, explosions, the occasional set of tits, and didn't require me to think very hard.

Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 2) 494

If they have interests such as following the Kardashians and Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty, and you have interests which include baroque music and classical literature, then it's safe to say that you're more intelligent than them.

An interest in Duck Dynasty is not mutually exclusive with an interest in classical literature. I don't much care for the former but we've all got our own outlets for those times when we just want to turn our brains off for a little while. Is watching Duck Dynasty any worse than playing GTA?

Comment Re:truly an inspiration. (Score 2, Insightful) 494

Most of them can't follow me in a real conversation, nor do they care to. The topics that interest them seem vain and insipid to me, and the topics that interest me seem boring or pretentious to them (based on their direct feedback).

So your argument is that because they have different interests you're smarter than them? That's not sexist, that's fucking stupid....

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