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Comment Re:Demographics (Score 2) 256

It's not a bullshit racist excuse, I've heard it myself. I have children that are mixed, so I am well integrated into black culture. Sure not all black people do it, but there is a great amount of adults that does.

And posting something from SJW's that are white themselves and would be afraid to physically walk in the neighborhood I live in is not a great help. Talk to actual black people that are successful for an instance like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and his struggle to become a black scientist.

Comment Re: How is this news for nerds? (Score 1) 1083

I think you should keep up with genetic research. I know a same-sex couple that will have a baby together, and have it arranged as such that neither can be denied their parental rights because biologically and legally both will be the parent.

Right here in the USA in a state that could thus far legally deny the rights of same-sex parents.

Comment Re:Jesus Christ. JavaScript needs to go. (Score 2) 63

Why? If you don't like JS, turn it off. JavaScript is an okay scripting language. This is talking about JS interacting with an already installed malware plugin. Off course once your computer has been compromised, you can do whatever you want. You could make it into a clapper (clap on/clap off), not that hard to do.

Comment Re:The Fuck? (Score 1) 175

You obviously never had issues with MSSQL/Oracle then. A badly performing RDBMS is usually due to a bad DBA or a bad history. Oracle/MSSQL are simply a bit more forgiving as long as you keep throwing hardware and licenses at the issue.

If you look at MariaDB or even MySQL >4, a lot of the issues GP is complaining about have been resolved a long time ago. BDB/InnoDB have been available for a long time. And there is still no native multi-master PostgreSQL.

Comment Re:Clickbait (Score 1) 107

Sometimes the hosting company doesn't keep track of it either. I recently was involved in a datacenter decommission (20yo) and at the end of the day a shit ton of hardware was still happily humming along, nobody claimed it nor did anyone keep track of whose it was (most likely they once did but moved asset tracking platforms which missed certain things).

About a decade ago another company I worked for had a similar thing where we expanded the datacenter and started keeping accurate track of new assets. Again, bunches of devices were left over with no traces at all in asset or order tracking and entire racks of cable runs had to be cut out with chainsaws (after the power was removed). We had a notorious salesperson that would often allow 'good' clients in a pinch (often due to administrative and physical disaster at neighboring centers) to get colocation and even dedicated servers, rush built/installed after hours and installed with "we'll do the paperwork on Monday".

Comment Re:What most people overlook... (Score 1) 141

WTH is poor or blue collar crime. I have been both on and off since childhood, I don't need to turn to criminality to make a buck. The US has the largest numbers of prisoners because the US is putting away alcoholics and smokers of weed over drug dealers and violent criminals.

Being drunk is a felony with in some cases 6 months of prison time and 3 years probation, some states even have minimum prison sentences. Vandalism is a misdemeanor with a maximum 1 year probationary. I'd rather have a drunk vomiting on the sidewalk than someone smashing my windows.

Comment Re: Locked to one PC? (Score 1) 281

Actually you do. Microsoft actually recommends you install an authorization proxy (several $1000 in Windows Server) to activate your "Enterprise" versions. I am on a network that cannot reach said servers and every Win7+ Enterprise install expires about a month after installation after which I have to run an arcane command or call Microsoft to activate. That is with the key and activation commands baked into the image.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
