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Comment Re: What we need is,,, (Score 1) 190

It's fairly trivial to get a SSN card etc issued to you, if identity thieves could also then get new SSN for themselves it will become even messier.

The government doesn't check your DNA/fingerprint when you go to the SS office. A copy of your birth certificate and a proof of address is plenty, both are easy to get even for someone else.

Comment Re: I had this happen to me several years ago (Score 2) 190

What do you expect? The money has to be reimbursed regardless so the bank already incurred its loss at the expense of vendors and the tax payer. Pursuing these thieves costs thousands of dollars in personnel, court and lawyer costs only to find most of them cannot be traced, don't have the money to repay them or are outside of their legal jurisdiction. Unless you're talking millions, it's cheaper to take the loss and write it into their tax deduction.

Comment Re:Isn't Seattle already under a "consent decree"? (Score 2) 249

It seems like neither of those sources are doing anything good. If Seattle is already being cleaned up and has it's own monitor website and then a couple of nerds uncover troves of issues, then neither the government nor the monitor is doing it's job and is more likely helping to cover things up rather than expose them.

Comment Re:Wait what? (Score 1) 226

The company was taken over by the music industry, any statements and actions are thus by the record companies who're sending a clear message they don't want a streaming service.

Comment Re:We need UNIONS in IT (Score 1) 636

So we can pay dues to a large corporation and still get nothing out of it?

Unions are not what they used to be, they used to be ran for workers that did menial jobs that anyone could do so everyone that did the same job would get equal treatment and wages. Nowadays they're just the middle man to the "you're getting fucked" train. IT isn't a menial job anyone could do, a good IT person (programmer, sysadmin etc) is more like a lawyer or a doctor, highly specialized, well trained individuals that are very hard to replace.

Programmers and sysadmins need to make sure they can't be easily replaced. Stop saying that 'anyone can program with language x' because not anyone can program. Most people can't even program a box if you gave them LOGO. Most of the college grads or H1B'ers shouldn't be able to do your job, if they can, then you're not as special or good as you think you are (unless you're a college grad or H1B'er yourself). If you have 5 years or more experience and you're able to be replaced by an H1B'er, then you haven't learned anything. If some PHB decides to replace you anyway, they should be begging you to come back in a few months. Happened to me quite a few times.

Comment Re:Technology allows (Score 2) 636

It's mainly access to birth control methods. It's not about being too busy working, farmers historically did manual labor for 10-12 hour days 7 days a week. Yet they all produced 10-12 offspring.

In a lot of places religious cults and superstition (until this day the Catholic Church forbids the use of condoms and birth control) make it so there is a taboo on birth control. Once the population starts being educated and females are able to afford their own birth control methods, the reproduction rate drops. Still within our western society you can see that religious folks produce a heck of a lot more offspring than educated folks.

Comment Re: Mid-engine sports cars (Score 1) 247

Tesla's latest lot seem to be on par with other luxury sedans, if you count in 5-10y fuel costs it makes sense to buy a Tesla over any other maker. The main cost in the Tesla is not the design cost nor the car's construction, put an ICE in the Tesla and you could cut the price tag (and performance) in half.

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