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Comment Re:Definition of religion (Score 1) 795

No, the reason we don't accept "my/your god did it" is because if we did, we would still be in the stone age. If your god is just a variable to make a balance sheet work out, then there is no reason to keep looking for the cause of that variable. If we said today: God + evolution = life then we have no reason to look at the chemical processes behind abiogenesis because "god" did it and it fits the equation.

The god of the gaps is just that, as soon as we are able to fill the gaps, your god will be gone, heck your god has already gone from encompassing the entire universe, planets, stars etc to only being an entity to explain abiogenesis (we solved the origin of the universe a while ago if you didn't catch it yet). In the mean time you are an ignorant fool because "god did it" is easier for you to accept than "we don't know yet".

If you were truly honest, you would explain your god and how he is able to fill these gaps. If you can't explain god, if it is not falsifiable and testable, then it is invalid.

Comment Re:Science vs Faith (Score 1) 795

How is the process, why is the statistics. Why does our Universe exist? Because two particles chanced to meet. Why are we here? Because our species survived long enough for you to ask that question. And that is a better answer than a being that you cannot explain and is in itself contradictory. The Universe doesn't owe you an explanation and if there is no explanation, if it's just statistics, the why is just a pointless question. Fabricating a god because you are not satisfied that 'shit just happened to turn out well enough for you that you survived to ask the question' is disingenuous.

Comment Re:Science vs Faith (Score 1) 795

Why can't science touch it? Lawrence Krauss has a pretty good explanation on how something came from nothing. It is falsifiable and testable, if it is wrong, he will gladly accept that.

If you have blind faith that your god exists, then you have no reason to look any further for any of the answers. Gods stop all invention, curiosity and reason because if "god" did it (which one btw?) then that is all the reason you need. Even if we don't know right now, nature through science has a much better answer for us and that answer will be much more beautiful and reasonable than "god".

Comment Re:Science vs Faith (Score 1) 795

So why does the universe exist? Science tells us why (read an astrophysics text book) and it has very good reasoning and experimentation to back it up. Religions tell us 1000's of other answers which do not resemble either the scientific reason nor each other... so which one am I supposed to trust?

Even if all we had was a computer model that told us perhaps this is "why" the universe exists at all today, it's better than any religious answer I've ever heard. Religion is a business trying to safeguard a collection of fables and myths in order to sell you something that doesn't exist and won't help you in the slightest.

Comment There is no "controversy" (Score 2) 132

In the 90's we (the tech-geeky people that had been on the Internet since the 80's) were telling everyone including the FCC that within a decade we would be streaming live and on-demand high-definition video over the Internet. At that point we were already doing it with audio (Net2Phone, SIP, MP3, Napster, Icecast, ...) We even formulated protocols for it and reserved space in the IPv4 range for things like broadcast and multicast (and multicast works incredibly well for distribution).

The problem is that neither the FCC, Congress nor anyone that was able to put pressure on the ISP's made sure that the ISP's kept up with the advances in technology. I moved to where I live now almost a decade ago and I still have the same amount of bandwidth than I did back then. TWC/Comcast, AT&T and others haven't upgraded their base broadband speeds since the early 2000's. DSL in most of the US is stuck at ~2Mbps, Cable at 10Mbps. In the mean time the world has moved on to 100Mbps and 1Gbps being 'normal' for respectively DSL and Cable. Heck, these days I can get satellite at the same speeds and cost (longer delays though) than Cable and DSL.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 0) 117

Indians have a great standard of living... if you belong to the right caste. The problem with India's poverty is not wealth or politics, it's religious. Regardless, India has a better health care system than the US and better Internet connections.

Going to space brings about jobs and wealth. Going to war costs jobs and wealth. At least they've got their priorities straight.

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