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Comment Re:Been there and stuff ... (Score 1) 786

No one ever said "Tobacco kills." It does not. It probably causes emphysema, but it doesn't kill you any faster than sunlight (UV-C) will. What kills you is smoking the 300+ carcinagens and poisons that are synthetically and intentionally added by Big Tobacco in order to make it more addictive than natural tobacco. Pipe smokers, who smoke natural tobacco, live longer than anyone (FACT!). If tobacco kills, the Native Americans wouldn't have been here by the time the Spanish came to the New World.

It is very strange that Big Tobacco lost one of the largest lawsuits in the history of lawsuits, and yet they are allowed to continue manufacturing and selling death. Recently, the remainder of their financial punishment was forgiven... and they still produce their product (which is technically not even "tobacco," it is substituted, shreded, poison PAPER, that looks like tobacco) identically to how they produced it before the lawsuit in the 1990's.

Comment Re:Scientists are the minority (Score 1) 786

Science will never have enough money to win the war on global warming.

... so long as denying global warming is profitable. Raise the carbon-emmission fines, raise them up fierce, and fucking the environment will no longer be profitable. Give insentives to corps and manufacturers to not only produce their own clean energy, but to stop poluting. Make being a responsible global citizen profitable... and the scientists can get back in their labs where they belong. Its not going to be enough, we're going to feel the effects, our children and their children will live through some shitty weather, but eventually the planet will reverse the effectsi itself and find equilibrium.

Comment Re:The religion of peace (Score 1) 490

...The problem of reverse cultural integration mainly seems to be an issue with Islam....

Only Islam seems to advocate violence before peaceful protest.

You are confusing legitimate Islam with extremism, and making a fallacious argument. After watching David Koresh burn himself, his family, and his followers to death, did you think "all Christians are homicidal nuts!"

There are mostly ordinary faithful non-extremist Muslims in the world, civilized, rational, and peaceful. They have nothing to do with the absurd extremist fringes of Islam, which could be successfully argued isn't even Islam, and taking all their numbers only counts for a fraction of a percent of the entirety of the population of Islamic followers. Don't do that. Even 500,000 douche bag Muslims does not mean all 1.8Billion Muslims are douche bags.

Comment Re:Conclusion goes too far? (Score 2) 159

Can you really generalize that all the internal network must be from the block? What prevents those addresses from being used other than convention and router setup. Perhaps they are only for the internal government computers to make them completely invisible to outside networks.

he immediately realized that every time the browser loads, its first move is to make a request to a non-routable IP address,

Its written poorly, but it sounds to me merely like the default site on the browser is set to so its possible whomever built that first instance is using a private network, used that internal address to test that his build worked, or is using an IP is not live, somehow left the default in there when it was distributed... or maybe all home routers in N.Korea have that as the internal IP address, and to make set up convenient, the browser just loads the home router's set up page at its internal address.. It is a massive leap to say all of N. Korea is a single private network just because the browser loads some arbitrary address. Its possible N. Korea is doing this, but this is not the kind of isolated evidence I would stake my life on, or bet money on.. I'd sooner believe TFA author made an error in judgement if he believes this absolute evidence of his theory simply because the browser loaded that IP first rather than,, or whatever mozilla usually sets it to by default. If someone looked at your browser, and noticed when launched, it loads you really cannot make any conclusions from that, such as that you're a slashdot reader, because just because the browser tries to connect does not mean it can or will.

Comment Re:It's URL, not IP. And 10/8 is _routable. (Score 1) 159

Another summary written by a clueless, not a nerd.

10/8 network is a perfectly routable IP range. is a URL, not an IP address. It also has an extra dot before the closing slash.

"News for _nerds_", sure...

Good stuff! I hope you're kidding. That's not a URL, nor an extra dot before the trailing slash (see TFA) because most sentences in English end in a period. And if you can route to it, you're probably in N. Korea or running the same private network elsewhere.

Comment Re:huh? (Score 2) 300

...and realize the youngest of those birds was more than 30 years old. Which is pretty well EOL for airliners.

fleet age You'd be surprised how many airlines operate how many big jets close to that age... and I doubt they see 30 as EOL. Some airlines, in the north, operate planes averaging 80 years old, but its well understood you don't want to be flying in anything else that in cold, the old planes are the safest. I don't think that translates to the big jets (like Boeing 700 series) though. Chances are about equal you've never been on a Boeing that is under 30 years old.

Comment Re:Whoever is in physical possession of the drugs (Score 1) 182

Its even less complicated. If my dog bites you, who is to blame? If my empty parked car's breaks fail, roles down a hill and over your grandmother, killing her, who is to blame?

This is not an interesting legal question, and it is not new legal ground. Whomever owns the instance of code, whomever owns the computer, whomever owns the currency that is spent, and whomever's address it is the drugs arrive at, would be places to start for culpability.

Comment Re:Better news report (Score 1) 108

Perhaps I'm reading more into what they were saying, because I don't believe those behind Mt. Gox, as a profitable company, would risk what they have, and have coming, on petty fraud. The problem is motive. What would motivate a rich ceo to defraud his investors? Nothing. So if the GP is and the article is talking about insiders like employees with more clearance, then ok, I'll buy that. But its really wacky to junp to a conclusion that the Mt. Gox leadership, or an individual among them would risk a secure lucritive future for petty embezzlement. Also, considering that something like 300K bitcoins unrelated to the missing bitcoins were recovered from somewhere... looks like there's a good bit of incompetance. Maybe there is NO fraud, and entirely (legally culpable?) financial incompetance?

Comment Re:Here's your insightful comment (Score 1) 108

you need to look up the definition of fraud. You most definitely can defraud people without hacking, especially when you are on the inside such as those within MT Gox. taking coins from peoples accounts and selling them is defrauding them and would require no hacking from someone within Gox.

It would have been nice if TFA explained what it was talking about, re: fraud, because I doubt its what you suggest.

Comment Re:Pop Ctrl can't happen in an entitlement society (Score 1) 327

Don't worry about your stinking retirements! The very hard working, surprisingly ethical, very attractive, very tolerant Catholic Mexican-American's are picking up the slack at 10 kids per couple, on average, and actually beating immigration numbers. Don't worry, racists! Its a good thing. I can not fucking wait for them to take elective power in the United States and for racism to finally be dead dead dead.

Comment Re:Sigh. (Score 1) 234

Regarding the respective groups at the NSA as ordinary IT criminals is in fact a rather accurate model, as in the end, they are just after money and power.

Do you really believe any member of this particular NSA team is really an anarchist and has the lifegoal of robber-baron?

Comment Re:Cross (Score 2) 755

says the plastid to the other: "I don't have to prove the cell exists, if you believe in the cell, you prove it! I have no need of the cell."

overhearing, neurons laugh, "the brain is all around us!"

cynically, the id says to the ego "can't prove there is a mind"

Ouroborus, muffled, might add "where's the rest of this snake!"

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