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Comment Re:Exactly (Score 1) 830

If you can't be bothered learning how the API works, then how about you use a library which takes care of it for you?

Just because you're using a high level language doesn't mean you can ignore learning it's API.

For example, from the Python docs:

Force write of file with filedescriptor fd to disk. On Unix, this calls the native fsync function; on Windows, the MS _commit function. If youre starting with a Python file object f, first do f.flush(), and then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk. Availability: Unix, and Windows starting in 2.2.3.

If you're writing applications robustly, this is something you need to be aware of.

Comment Re:This is NOT an intellectual exercise (Score 1) 422

I've downloaded a lot of video games. I started back when I got an Amiga 500 about two decades ago. Video games have been a large part of my life during this period, probably to an unhealthy level at times. The constant supply of new titles provided to me by piracy has fed this obsession.

Now that I have a much higher disposable income what do you think I spend it on? On my main interest of course - video games.

Preventing my piracy would not have resulted in any additional sales for the industry, it's already got everything it could out of me. Preventing my piracy would only have helped break my obsession - leading to me spending my money elsewhere.

Although I have pirated games, I find it hard to buy into the argument that I'm hurting the industry. I've spent a lot of money of video games, and I don't forsee that changing much in the future.

Classic Games (Games)

Submission + - What are the best free games online?

almostdead writes: CNET has just put up a story about what it thinks are the best online flash games of all time. These include, Line Rider, Bejewled, Desktop Tower Defense and Portal, all of which I enjoy playing a lot. But my thirst for free games is peaking at the moment, probably due to an incredibly boring job and lack of imagination. Can you suggest any more good free games online? I don't mind which genre but if they can fill the void between the endless amount of work that gets dumped on my desk, I would really appreciate it.

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