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Comment Re:Stack Overflow is not a forum (Score 1) 428

OK fine, Q&A website nazis. Happy?

The point is that there are plenty of pickle-up-the-ass power tripping assholes on stack overflow who quash useful questions and answers (aka discussions) just to flex their authoritative muscle and prove their superiority in their own minds.

There appear to be two significant groups of contributors, those who are genuinely there just to help out and the power trippers. I feel kind of sad for the power trippers.

Comment Re:No one ever got fired for buying IBM (Score 1) 232

Mature technologies are proven. They've gone through their growing-pains. They may have limitations, but those limitations and workarounds are usually well known by seasoned professionals. There's a reason why COBOL, Fortran, and RPG are still in use in business applications almost sixty years after their initial development, because they reliably work.

I've tried to work with NodeJS projects for production. It's a nightmare. NodeJS itself is revised too often, the actual project is revised too often, and the dependencies became a nightmare. It's not mature enough and not worth it.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but I thought you'd find it funny to know that IBM is now building products with NodeJS. (And other even more exotic bleeding edge stuff...)

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