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Comment Re:Pick a different job. (Score 1) 548

Because it's really a means for the owners to avoid responsibility for their actions.
You see this in any country where corporation do not have a built in shelf life.

Did you know corporation where almost banned in the constitution? They grow large and then manipulate the government. Something seen in the British Empire. The only reason it wasn't was because that had, for all practical purpose, a life of 20 years.

Now they live forever and can take an active role in the government.

If it was simply what you say, then I wouldn't have a problem.

Comment Re:Pick a different job. (Score 1) 548

I only chose it because I was young, bitter, directionless, and had some natural talent with computers despite not growing up with a programmable computer at home. I decided I wanted to be a writer, and thought I needed a "respectable" day job and my own apartment instead of just working a couple of part-time jobs and sharing a place with an amiable stranger or three.

Comment Re:Pick a different job. (Score 1) 548

If your ideals actually meant anything to you, you'd despise corporations and government itself with the same fervor with which you speak against unions. Instead, you're a typical secular Republican: you rail against any form of collectivism that helps workers, but rally around all forms of collectivism that serve to preserve the privileges and wealth of America's ruling classes.

Get rid of corporations and government, show me a real free market, and I'll happily compete without seeking recourse from a union of my fellow workers.

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