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Comment wind is caused by temperature not the reverse (Score 0) 207

Wind is flow from high pressure to low pressure. Remeber physics PV = NrT. Local pressure is proportional to temperature (in Kelvin).

"somewhat surprising degree to which the winds can explain all the wiggles in the temperature curve"
Interesting that the paper author can have it backwards.

PV=NrT explains a lot. It explains why hot air rises. At the same pressure, left hand side if T is bigger than N is smaller (r is constant). So a specific volume of air at the same pressure the hotter air has less N, or less component atoms so weighs less.

Comment Re:Where is the misuse of military equipment charg (Score 1) 286

Regardless of guilty or not he was using the equipment outside of the allowed operating parameters. You can't take a tank for joyride, borrow an automatic rifle to go varmant hunting at your rural property, or misuse military computers.

The question for the masses, is this worse than committing the military network to working on folding-at-home or bitcoin production?

Comment What we do know - (Score 2) 465

What we do know is that we don't know exactly how the whole system works. The whole system being the planetary carboin cycle on which we depend for our one and only nice comfortable life sustaining climate.

Given that we don't know how it all works and we depend on it are we really happy shitting in our own bathtub by releasing all sorts of long term stored carbon? Wouldn't it be better to slow down to a more natural rate and study the thing before we continued doing what might be self destructive.

Comment "on high profile beliefs" how about all (Score 2) 725

Being religious and "accepting science" is just drawing the boundaries in a different place. There is still a science no-go zone so they really do not accept science they just define the boundaries differently.

How about on all beliefs should be rejected and replaced with reality. A belief system that contradicts with the world we live in should be diagnosed as a phsycological disorder.

Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality that usually includes: False beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions) ; Seeing or hearing things that aren't there (hallucinations).

Why does society accept the mass relgious psychosis yet reject other forms?

Science is about changing our "belief" system to match what we know about the world we live in. Religion is about denying the world we live in for a belief system that is a mental fugue.

Comment Re:Might as well go back to rail (Score 2) 142

Rail does not go to the final point of delivery. Even with rail you have to move it to truck for final delivery. The cost of moving from rail to truck needs to come down a lot. Some of this is done with container shipping. Still in most cases it is easier to centrally load a truck have it driver over a couple of states then do local deliveries to many places. You do this with many trucks from a central warehouse. The cost these days is in loading, unloading and managing what is in the shipment.

Comment Willfull blindness (Score 4, Interesting) 772

What this says is people will accept science except where they feel it contradicts with their beliefs.

Gravity - ok
Electricity - ok
Evolution - nope

I think this says it all. Even with the one nope they have proven themselves not to be scientifically literate. They have proven that they have a rational space that cannot be challenged by science. No matter how rational you might otherwise be if there is a think-space where you refuse to be rational you are at root irrational.

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