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Comment Laugh (Score 1) 265

So many laws like this coming out in Australia, it's quite amusing.

They took their guns, locked down their Internet, now apparently crippled their scientist, what a joke of a nation.
Every news story about a "law" out of Australia is "draconian".

They also have the World's highest incidence of alcohol related brain shrinkage.

Comment OK (Score 1) 86

This just affirms my belief that the Universe was always ordained (pun intended) to allow life to emerge.
It is, and was (at the start) a mathematical certainty.

We start with a singular point, it expands, becomes more complex, elements are created and eventually planets then life.

There's a lot of yatta yatta in between those points but you get my drift.

Comment Laugh (Score 5, Insightful) 103

You know this survalience hasn't really poanned out in regards to stopping "terrorism", look at France, San Berndino.

So I am left scratching my head exactly what use is this data?

I mean it's really only useful to spy on your population this way if you believe them to be the threat.

But why would a nation force fed illegal immigration, the shipping of jobs overseas, the repeated financial thefts by large banks who were then bailed out, illegal wars, and a massive growing security apparatus costing billions being built next to crumbling public infrastructure be a threat?

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