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Comment Re:Not what they said (Score 1) 571

There is a lot of ground between a theoretical breakthrough, an experimental device, a prototype, and a production unit. But any stage in that process is way more than "nothing".

In any case, the fact that they're not promising a working reactor tomorrow is exactly why you know that this has a good chance of being valid. Beyond that, I would leave it to the experts in the field (including those hired by any potential investors) to determine how close they actually are.

Comment Re:German illegal? (Score 1) 323

I dare say it would not be possible to do this today.

At least two Supreme Court justices of our era (Rehnquist and Scalia) disagree with you on that.

"An entirely separate and important philosophical question is whether occasional presidential excesses and judicial restraint in wartime are desirable or undesirable. In one sense, this question is very largely academic. There is no reason to think that future wartime presidents will act differently from Lincoln, Wilson, or Roosevelt, or that future Justices of the Supreme Court will decide questions differently than their predecessors."

"The Supreme Court's Korematsu decision upholding the internment of Japanese Americans was wrong, but it could happen again in war time."

And if you'd think that people today wouldn't stand for it, you're wrong, too. Some people not only would do that all over again, they write books to justify it and claim that the same argument also applies in the "War on Terror". These are usually the same kind of people who are fond of the phrase "constitution is not a suicide pact" (by which they mean that it can be ignored at will if they feel sufficiently threatened).

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that things haven't improved in US in that department since WW2. They did, and public opinion would not be so easily swayed today (in WW2, internment was virtually uncontroversial). But it's far from a settled thing, as well, both legally and in terms of public support, and we have to remain on guard against repeat attempts.

Comment Re:German illegal? (Score 1) 323

Did we illegally arrest and hold Japanese Americans during WWII? Yes, but we have recognized that it was wrong and done what we can to restore what was lost.

What do you mean, "illegally"? Korematsu v. United States has not been overturned, so it's still a binding precedent that the president of the United States can unilaterally confine thousands of people to concentration camps with a stroke of his pen.

Oh, and apologies and reparations? Those are not legally binding, sorry.

Comment Re:WWII proably didn't help much either (Score 1) 323

Another entertaining tangent is whether Hitler's invasion of Russia was just his attempt at saving the Russians from Stalin, who did a remarkable job offing his own citizens. We actually met some white Russians (the Russian Orthodox tsarists who fled their homeland to the US after the Bolshevik revolution) who were actually on Hitler's side of the conflict, reasoning that if he freed the Russians from communism they might be able to return home.

There's plenty of material available on collaboration of various nations inhabiting the Soviet Union with the Nazis, including Russians. But ultimately, the collaborators were all wrong in one thing: they assumed that because their government lies to them about everything, it also lies about how bad the Nazi are. Look up "Generalplan Ost" for details.

Comment Re:Our PC society will be our demise! (Score 1) 193

Compared to 1950's America, the America of today is less "socialist", not more. In 1953, you'd pay 48% personal income tax on all income above $12k (in 2013 adjusted dollars, this is ~$100k), and 90% on income above $100k (~$860k in 2013 dollars).

It was also the time when Gini (economic inequality) index, arguably one of the best metrics of "socialism", was at one of the lowest points ever in US history, only matched later in 70s - it was 35 then. Today, it's over 45, and growing. For comparison, UK has Gini of 34 - so US in 1950's was as socialist as UK today.

Comment Re:Wolves and Bears? (Score 1) 122

In most areas of Russia that actually have wolves and bears, there are no grocery stores.

OTOH, the areas that do have grocery stores, are awfully short on wolves and bears. And most other wildlife, actually. When I lived in Russia, I never saw a squirrel outside of pictures in books. The first time I saw a live one was in Canada.

Comment Re:Scripting language du jour (Score 2) 547

It's mostly just you.

With respect to different versions not being backwards compatible, it's more of a branding issue. There are two languages. One is Python 2, the other is Python 3. Within each of those, there's backwards compatibility, but between them, they're not compatible in general (though with some care it's possible to write code that works in both, and with some more care it'll even do the same thing - but you'd best leave that to library writers...). For your own project, pick one and stick to it. For other people's code, you might need both 2 and 3, but you should only need one version of each.

Comment Re:Scripting language du jour (Score 1) 547

Why would you need that kind of stuff built into the language, though? With sufficiently flexible syntax, the libraries should do the trick.

And, FWIW, I hear a lot about people switching from R to Python (with the corresponding libraries, naturally - including an R bridge for gradual migration) lately.

Comment Re:If you wanted us to believe your Op-Ed... (Score 2) 547

Operator overloading is not different from functions at all - operators are just functions with fancy names. And a programmer can just as well define a function that has "multiply" as a name, but does something else entirely, as he can define operator * that does something else entirely. These two are identical in all aspects. The only reason why operators were historically not redefinable is precedent, and it doesn't have any reasoning behind it.

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