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Comment Science Fiction or Reality (Score 1) 1

There was a kind of slap-stickish science fiction story concerning advertising that had a connection to legal alkyloids to addict people.

I've thought of that story quite often over the last decade or so. It had seemed somewhat funny, and foolish. The more time goes by, the less funny, less foolish, and more like reality the story seems.

I'll try to find the name of that story.

Comment Re:So now that the UN said it, (Score 1) 261

No, it just means that your country has more in common with countries like Iran or Soviet era Russia than you'd like to admit.

You haven't seen my anti-US-government rants, have you?

These days the U.S. Constitution would count as an anti-US-government rant so that's not exactly a distinguishing feature.

There are a number of USA citizens who really, REALLY, need to understand this.

OoMGFs(TM, One of my greatist fears) is that some of these citizens do understand; they just don't care! The US Constitution is simply a dated concept that is getting in the way of ... I don't know; profits, power? Some other lame-ass failing of the human condition?

Comment Re:USA, the land of freedom (Score 1) 304

Where freedom refers to the the government being free to fuck you over as much as they want!

With apologies to Mr. Greenwood:

"..and I'm proud to be an American, where at least I think I'm freeeeee..."

Probably shouldn'ta said that.

Ah, there is a sound like that of an lp being brought to an abrubt halt that would be apropriate at the end of that quote! Could anyone tell me how to represent that on "paper"?

Comment Maybe we shouldn't save the species... (Score 1) 374

I read Arthur C. Clarke's stuff when I was young (and no, this was not last week!). As well as Heinlein, Asimov, PJ Farmer, and many, many others. I was enthralled and entranced. The spirit of exploration has been deep seated within me since those days.

When I read the comments for this topic, I am struck by:

1) The number of people who share my love of exploration, discovery, and maybe a chance to save the species. This number is woefully small.

2) The number of people who have no sense of awe, excitement of discovery, no desire to look past their own immediate universe. people to whom the horizon marks the end of the universe. This is, then as now, too many.

If we (the rest of us) listen to the nay-sayers, we will still be sitting, fighting over the girls and land, on this wore-out world, when the sun goes nova. And that will be sad.

I'm not trying to insult anybody. And my conversation style, grammer and spelling, tend to leave a lot to be desired.

Comment Re:What could go wrong... (Score 1) 10

I expect those who advocate this despicable app will soon discover it's far more beneficial to the criminals in pointing out where the people who can defend themselves live and consequently where the sheep live. Why would the BadGuy fuck with me when he can mount the sheeply, mewling quim, (to borrow a phrase from another post), that bleats next door. Great Idea!

A valid point. Only; how many criminals (of the type that break into homes), use smartphones?

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