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Comment Re:library e-books fail to work while adobe is dow (Score -1, Offtopic) 164

I tried to download some e-books from my library website, adobe digital editions is dead while this the authentication system is down, so can't get any e-books. And it's been more than a day without any explanation. Another disappointment courtesy DRM.

That's interesting. I wouldn't know because the books I get from my library are made from *paper* and don't ever have "downtime".

Comment Software doesn't age (Score 0) 522

Software doesn't age. Hence all the angst (my own included) about having to throw away perfectly good Windows XP. I still use lots of old software, including Winamp, Textpad, and DVDShrink, just to name a few. Many people's obsession with the newest *thing* is really fucking stupid, in many cases (word processing being one of them).

Comment Re:So a bicyclist is safer..... (Score 1) 490

If it's safe for a bike to glide through stopsigns or treat all stoplights as signs, then it's safe for motor vehicles to do the same.

Are you really that stupid? Are you saying that it's as safe for a 2000 lb + vehicle to go through a stop sign as it is for a 20 lb vehicle to go through a stop sign? That's moronic.

Comment Re:Not the way we have carbs now (Score 0) 329

Your statement carries an unstated assumption that the amount of calories consumed or expended is easily controlled

That's right. Unless you're being forcibly fed, it is easily controlled. Hands don't put food in mouth.

like strict calorie-counting with nutrient balancing I've never lost this much weight and I felt like I was ALWAYS hungry

That's right. To lose weight, you'll need to feel hungry. That's life. I didn't make the rules, but the science is very simple, no matter how you'd like to be able to lose weight without being hungry. Just be hungry. It won't kill you.

Comment Re:Not only that... (Score 2, Insightful) 264

... but they're also taking care of the citizens screwed by the XP-end-of-life:

"Screwed" because MS only supported their OS for 13 years? Riiiight. Which Linux company is going to maintain a version of their OS (for free) for 13 years? Hell, which Linux company is going to maintain a version of their OS (for free) for 3 years?

That's one of the main reasons my company won't consider Linux on the desktop.

Comment Right... (Score 1) 293

I'm supposed to believe that Microsoft, the company that is still pushing out updates for a 13 year old OS, is going to somehow abandon a large portion of their customers using their most current OS? I call bullshit.

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