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Comment Poor security, or deliberately open? (Score 1) 1

Your language is loaded. Your implication is that an unsecured Wireless Access Point is a Bad Thing. This can be true, and it can be false, depending on the situation and intentions of the admin. Personally, I run all my personal stuff encrypted, but also provide an open network for visitors. You should check out what security guru Bruce Schneier has to say about the topic.

Comment The PRACTICAL application (Score 2) 333

The practical application is that any teleportation/entanglement based Quantum Neural Networks (QNN) that happen to already exist on and around planet Earth communicate between nodes via quantum teleportation. Thus, the maximum Quantum Teleportation (QT) range is also the maximum distance between nodes. I happen to know that earth-orbital QT distances have been practical for one QNN for more than ten years, so it's about time that 'official' science caught up with this. Readers should note that the existence of ANY practical QNN remains classified, hidden, and secretive, although information about this advanced new (well, 22 years old, but newish) technology is gradually leaking out.

Note that, as several people have pointed out, there must be a [steganographic] classical back channel to actually accomplish communication between nodes.

Comment forum spy admins messing with me (Score -1, Offtopic) 306

At the instant when I posted my above comment re. jmorris42's comment, now a +5, his comment had been modded DOWN to a -1. No REAL slashdotter would mod that particular comment DOWN. And for commenting on this I get modded as a TROLL. Uh huh. Hey, slashdot readers, wake up and smell the forum spies. They are quite active on Slashdot. And if you point this out, or make a stink about it, they will PERSONALLY target you. Note that the TECHNIQUES used by forum spies only work when the target audience REMAINS IGNORANT of their methods. Thus, if we collectively educate ourselves about how our local forum spies operate, their techniques no longer work!

Comment Re:Leave you phone^W lojack at home. (Score 0) 306

I also annoyed some [unknown identity] Slashdot admins, and they 'switched' me, too. My crime was posting The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies as a possible front page article. Someone REALLY did not like that article, as they INSTANTLY removed it from sight, on two different occasions.

Any organization performing COINTELPRO operations would HATE that article, and would do their best to censor it.
*Puts on tinfoil hat* Gee, do you think it's possible that forum spies have infiltrated Slashdot admin?
Hint: It's now possible to buy turnkey solutions to manipulate online forums, with a full ecosystem of pre-made false accounts already in place. I have personal experience with private consulting firms that do just this. The article I linked to above provides details on how this is done, which is why it is HEAVILY CENSORED content. If you don't believe that, try to get that article in front of many eyeballs, and watch how quickly you get blocked from doing so.

Comment Thanks for posting this story! (Score 0) 24

I wish to offer a general apology for the terrible quality of comments on this story. Obviously, most readers failed to even understand what the story was about. I thought the best comment was the snarky 'Is this NKS?' at the end, as this story obviously does tie into NKS. Anyway, thanks, submeta, for posting a fine old skool slashdot story. Let's hope our readership is less ignorant and juvenile next time around.

Comment Re:"US investigation"? "Obama Administration"??? (Score 2) 488

No. People forget "insurance.aes256". This ~1 gb file probably contains dire unreleased secrets about various powerful entities, including the US government and individuals within it. If they assassinate Assange and/or the Wikileaks team, the keys to this blackmail file will be released. Those in power can't risk that happening, so they will hold their hand.

Comment Used LOTS of math in programming (Score 1) 1086

Mostly because I've been writing software to dynamically generate problem/answer sets for First Year Calculus Based Physics. In my previous 15 years of writing software professionally, before starting that project, I've used juicy math just a few times. The first poster got it right, computer programming is mostly about counting beans and keeping records.

Comment Yes there IS atroturfing going on here! (Score 1) 82

Read The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies and learn about the many techniques used. You just named several of them. Some of the messages posted above, which you mentioned, probably ARE astroturf. There's been rather a LOT of astroturf on Slashdot lately. The funny thing is, once the readership is EDUCATED about the methods used to manipulate them, those methods no longer work. So educate yourselves, learn how to identify and counter astroturfing, and it won't work as well. Information will set you free.

Comment Let me teach you how to get censored (Score 2) 82

It's really not very hard to draw attention from people who will censor you or otherwise block your message. Try to distribute information that is inimical to the operations of COINTELPRO spies attempting to manipulate the internet, and you can experience this for yourself. For one example of such forbidden content, read and then try to distribute The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies, which describes in detail the methods used by spies to manipulate internet forums. Slashdot is one forum that is so manipulated, but there are many others. Read that document, then make a concerted effort to get it in front of many eyeballs, and see what happens. After your attempts to communicate are suppressed you will have a much better understanding of "some global conspiracy to DDoS my website to silence me". After such an experience you will be much less prone to doubt others who claim to experience the same thing.

This author now has so much experience in this area that I can generally tell in advance which material will, and will not, be suppressed, and can often correctly guess which method(s) will be used.

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