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Comment Re:Holy crap! (Score 2) 88

Yep. There was a time that installing software on Linux was a nightmare. It was so bad that some people sat down and really thought about how to make it really good, and then implemented those ideas. With Windows, software installations was always just passable, and that is the way it has stayed.

Comment Re:Amazed (Score 1) 218

I am still confounded by the fact that any businesses send or are willing to accept files other than PDF or CSV. Really I get that there are some extreamly unusual cases where something else might be needed, but for 99.999% of all cases anything that could be sent as an MSOffice file would be better served as a PDF or CSV file.

Comment Re:Windows Tax (Score 1) 218

That was my first thought on the numbers. For all of the "Everyone is now buying Macs." that we keep getting astroturfed with, OSX market share is still far closer to that of Desktop Linux than it is Windows adoption. (Of course, we have to limit the linux market share to "Desktop" because it would otherwise completely eclipse OSX market share.)

Comment Re:Because... (Score 1) 325

Well, given that much of the humanities is BS, and the current mentality that a person needs a degree to answer phones or load boxes into the back of a truck, it may make complete sense in a perverted way. Let people get their paper mill degrees for "legitimate" colleges, and then they can be "qualified" to get a job. And by "qualified", I mean having paid the proper fees.

Comment Re:Do you give up higher cerebral function (Score 1) 211

Because they are not correlating porn with small brain sizes. They are not even correlating porn with a specific region of the brain being smaller. They are not correlating porn to anything, because they are using the word porn without a definition. As for motivation, you seriously need to ask that? The puritanically obsessed people in our society have been shunning anything sexual since before we were even a nation. See the entire gay marrage debate as an example of how people would feel it was their duty to control other peoples sexuality,.

Your analogy is still wrong. It is like a study showing people who steal are unattractive to the opposite sex, and then, sometimes, counting singing happy birthday at a child's birthday party, sometimes, including downloading a TV show off the internet, sometimes counting not watching the commercials when a you are watching TV, sometimes counting armed robbery of a Quickee Mart, and sometimes counting telling a joke at a party without finishing off telling everyone where you heard the joke.

You see, we are not talking about casual conversation. We are talking about something being passed off as a scientific study. Beyond the damage done by the specific study, it puts all science in a bad light. You ever wonder why people don't trust scientists? Because made up crap like this is consistently passed off as science. YOU are responsible people dismissing scientific studies. YOU and your kind are responsible for people not getting vaccinated. YOU are responsible for people not trusting climate scientist. Because YOU endorse and encourage bad science. Congratulations, that's what you get to look back on your life and be proud of.

Comment Re:Every Other OS (Score 1) 516

Then we are pretty much in agreement. I just wish that we could see more clam shells for Android tablets. I don't want an iOS device, but I would love to have a clam shell for a 10" tablet. Between tethering on my phone and remote desktop, a clam shell for my tablet would definitely reduce how often I want a real tablet.

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