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Comment The reasoning of a con artist (Score 1) 350

"People in the past were wrong about what is possible, so clearly the naysayers are wrong about my thing!" See how stupid that logic looks? Trying to argue that cold fusion must be possible because people have been wrong about things in the past is arguing crosseyed badger spit. It is a nonsensical argument used by con men to deflect from their BS.

Here's the thing: With all these technologies that actually exist (#4 doesn't) you see two important things:

1) They are actually available to look at, in a non-controlled environment. You can verify them yourself, without some "researchers" standing over your shoulder, telling you what you can and can't see, what you can and can't touch. They are easy to verify they are real.

2) You can have the theoretical basis for how they operate explained to you, and that is consistent with our understanding of physics, chemistry, and so on. There's no hand waving, there's just science.

So when cold fusion hits that point, call me. When someone can say "Here is how this device works on an atomic/quantum level and why it is actually a fusion process," and when these claims are examined and confirmed by reputable labs at universities, where the researchers are given a device and allowed to do what they please with it, then I'm interested. Until then, STFU.

Comment Re:Here's a question you won't answer (Score 1) 23

You know nothing of my family or where I came from.

So here it is in a nutshell:

I worked my ass off working shitty fast food jobs to pay my own way through college, got a degree, and a good job. Had nothing to do with my "family connections" or "white privilege" or any other lame ass excuse used by people that don't have any success.

YOU are to blame for your failures in life. Not your family upbringing, not your race, or any other secondary attribute.

Comment Re:Here's a question you won't answer (Score 1) 23

Considering I'm originally from Toledo, Ohio -- not far from Milan, Ohio, and seeing as how Thomas Edison was able to put his gifts to good use despite being born into a poor family and having health issues, I'll take those odds.

I have earned everything I have. I would have no problem doing that in any era.

Comment Re:Let me get this right (Score 1) 839

Poor people are better off even if retail prices don't drop (as proponents of the FairTax purport). The math is quite simple... a "prebate" on taxes up to the poverty level (even if you don't make that much money) and NO social security or medicare. People claim it'll hurt the middle class the most, which may be - but the middle class is already the hardest hit, and for those with debt or want to save, the FairTax is the best option available.

Comment Re:Here's a question you won't answer (Score 1) 23

"roll the country back", in my mind, means reconsidering the 16th & 17th Amendments, the Federal Reserve Act, and the freezing of the House's size as of 1910 to make it less representative over time.
I think that is the least-worst route. You'll know it's getting big when the GOP, "accidentally", and with much weeping, strangles it.

Comment Re:well (Score 1) 4

I think we're arguing the same point from different ends. Pure capitalism "doesn't collapse power into the few"; but I wouldn't accuse us of operating in a purely capitalistic mode. The question is how to purge the socialist impurities, slowly.

Comment Re:Did you mean 'tantamount', or the 8th letter? (Score 1) 7

Why should I take those claims at face value?

What, do you want to meet in person and see some diplomas? LinkedIn profile? Résumé?

More so, why should I take them at face value when you repeatedly demonstrate your disdain for facts and learning?

I have never done this. The only fact afoot is: "damn_registrars is a serial accuser".

The notion of my assessment of you being vicious or fictitious is purely a creation of your own imagination. I evaluate your intellectual dishonesty by reading the comments you write here on slashdot.

God strike me dead as I type if I'm lying, I've never been dishonest with you. I've noticed over time that you retreat to this accusation as you reach your menstrual peak. Do we need to take one of our periodic breaks here, until you get past your hysteria*?

nota bene: The word choice employed here is meant in a humorous, mocking vein, not as a literal statement about gender in this case.

Comment Re:For the same reason many American Conservatives (Score 1) 124

I had no narrative. I had orders from President Obama.

You cannot be regarded as a neutral observer in any of this. So please excuse me for not taking what you say at face value.

What if I've got someone in the media willing to call me an 'expert'? I mean, you nearly make it sound as though you're seeking objective truth, or something.

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