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Submission + - Bill Gates Needs an Online Education History Lesson

theodp writes: "We're not fond of Bill Gates," wrote Philip Greenspun in 1999, "but it still hurts to see Microsoft struggle with problems that IBM solved in the 1960s." And, after reading the 2015 Gates Annual Letter, one worries that BillG might be struggling with online education problems that PLATO and other computer assisted instruction systems solved in the '60s and '70s. One of the five breakthroughs Bill and Melinda foresee in the next 15 years is that Better Software Will Revolutionize Learning, but the accompanying narrative suggests that Bill still doesn't know much about TechEd history. "Think back 15 years," the Gates write, "to when online education was first gaining traction. It amounted to little more than pointing a camera at a university lecturer and hitting the 'record' button. Students couldn't take online quizzes or connect with each other. It wasn't interactive at all." Think again, Bill. Check out A 1980 Teenager's View on Social Media, Brian Dear's ode to his experience with PLATO. Or ask ex-Microsoft CTO Ray Ozzie to share his experiences with PLATO in the '70s, a decade that saw PLATO teaching reading to young children and computer science to college students like your then 18-year-old self. And while cheap microcomputers eventually killed the expensive PLATO CDC mainframe star, there are some lessons today's MOOCs could learn from studying their PLATO History, like providing easy-to-learn-and-use authoring software to allow courseware to be built by classroom instructors (pdf), not just Gates Foundation and Google-funded engineers. Keep on keepin' on Bill, but make sure your MOOC Research includes some history lessons!

Comment Another use of Crypto-coin - as gift cards (Score 4, Interesting) 39

One use for cryptocurrency that isn't talked about much is as a gift certificate.

If a store created a custom BC clone and pre-mined it completely, it could assign them an arbitrary fixed value (1 Slash-Dollar = 1 USD???) and sell them as gift cards. The advantage over a regular gift card is that the buyer can then split them and give the pieces to friends as gifts or even trade them on an "open market" if he wanted to (okay, that's being done now, but you get the idea).

The company that created and pre-mined the cards would be on the hook for all transaction fees. Unlike a "real" currency like BC they could set an expiration date ahead of time or say that "after a certain date, we will charge a hefty fee for all transactions OTHER than through our store" or if the currency is designed to be "short lived," even "after a certain date, we will accept it for purchase at a discount, and this discount will increase each month until the currency becomes worthless."

Comment Are they voting on whether Pi = 22/7 also? (Score 3, Interesting) 667

Saying whether or not climate change is real, is not real, or is unknown is not a statement for non-subject-matter experts to make until/unless there is enough evidence that it is clearly real or clearly not real to the layman. If either one were the case, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

In other words, every Senator who isn't either a subject-matter expert or an arrogant person and who doesn't want people to think he is in one of those two groups must abstain if this comes to a vote.

Comment I want uber-lightweight for devices (Score 1) 43

"Things" like the Fridge or Thermostat should be extremely lightweight. If you need "apps" use a user-replaceable front-end-controller.

The "thing" itself should be so lightweight that, at least for "things" like those that existed 20 years ago, they could run on an ASIC no more complicated than a mid-1970s desktop calculator or even with just a very simple circuit similar to that of a simple "dumb" home thermostat. The only complexity would be the optional front-end controller.

The optional front-end controller would come in two connected parts:

Part 1 would be a very basic box that provided only a very basic connection to the outside world (e.g. a serial port, Ethernet, WiFi, etc.) and the security services necessary to ensure authenticated private communications (SSH or similar). Strictly speaking, the front-end controller would be optional - without it, the fridge or other "thing" would still work but it wouldn't be any "smarter" than today's "dumb" devices. It would also be user-replaceable, because we all know that security and networking technologies change over time.

Part 2 would be a "computer on a chip" that ran apps and optionally provided "real" connectivity to the outside world (e.g. WiFi, a web server, web-based apps, etc.). Since the functions of this device can be handled by any PC, it should be optional and easy for the user to remove or replace.

The physical and logical interfaces between the 3 components will be well-defined, and for the interface from the device to "part 1" of the front-end controller, they would also be simple and designed to not become obsolete for more than the life of the actual "thing" they are controlling.

Comment Don't call it a "military zone" (Score 1) 148

Call it an "enhanced security zone" staffed by well-trained, well-armed civilians with broad arrest- and secret-court prosecutorial powers which report to a newly-created cabinet level post. How do you say "Department of homeland nuclear security" in French?

Disclaimer: This is supposed to be funny. Anything that amounts to a huge government power-grab at the expense of its citizens' and legal residents' basic freedoms whether it's called a military force or a "civilian" force scares me and it should scare you as well.

Comment So firewall it already (Score 1) 156

If you simply can't live without your Win2003 server and don't plan on paying MS for additional support, make sure you:

* Move everything that can be moved off of that server onto a vendor- or reliable-third-party-supported solution.

* Make and test backups frequently. Make sure you have a way of bringing the server back if your hardware dies or server room goes up in flames/earthquake/flood/whatever.

* Put a vendor- or reliable-3rd-paty-supported hardware* firewall between it and the networks that it is attached to. Make sure the firewall(s) block all in-and-outbound traffic that isn't absolutely necessary.

*"Hardware firewall" could be just a PC or server providing firewall services, it doesn't have to be a box that was designed to be a firewall. If you are running Win2003 server in a VM, your hypervisor/host-OS can act as a firewall. Make sure it is supported by the vendor or a reliable 3rd-party though.

Come to think of it, this is good a good "starting point" even if you are using vendor-supported equipment and software throughout your enterprise. The difference is that if everything is supported, you can probably get away with putting multiple functions including your in-house-custom-apps in one server and (for small-load-situations) enjoy the cost- and speed benefits that come with doing it this way.

Comment Government web sites shouldn't do this at all (Score 1) 204

I can't think of any legitimate reason for any government agency that is providing services to the public to accept outside advertising.

If they must accept outside advertising for whatever reason, the traffic should be one-way and "blind" to the advertiser.

This means the federal government web site will need to host the ads and if they provide analytic data at all, only provide summary data, such as the number of hits in a given day or hour rounded off to a level designed to prevent teasing out additional information and if the numbers are large enough so privacy isn't an issue, the number of hits believed to come from particular states or metropolitan areas.

Comment Re:& Vice Versa ? (Score 1) 110

Since they always let the terrorist stuff through, so as not to tip their hand, when will the spammers start disguising their messages as jihadist cal to arms?

To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: MALE PLEASURE!!!!!!
Date: 17 January 2014 02:20:05 +0000

Increase your pleasure NOW AND FOREVER! Click here to join the Holy Crusade and very soon you'll be spending eternity with your very own harem of 72 virgins for all eterinity!

Comment The best solution: Destroy siezed goods (Score 1) 316

Either destroy the seized-and-legally-forfeited goods or sell them at fair market value, convert the proceeds into $100 bills, and burn them.

This would totally remove the economic incentive for police departments to seize things. Plus, the state would be out its share of the costs of holding a civil forfeiture trial (no, the proceeds from the sale should NOT go towards the cost of paying for the trial, that would re-insert an economic incentive for forfeiture).

Comment Re:Charging for transactions (Score 1) 290

In other words, if Bitcoin transfers start to cut noticeably into banking business, the banks can always drop their transaction costs below what Bitcoin verifiers have to charge.

Up to a point. Most brick-and-mortar banks handle non-business paper-check and currency/coin deposits and withdrawals at a loss (they charge nothing, but it costs them manpower). I don't see them dropping their fees much below $0.

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