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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 151 declined, 34 accepted (185 total, 18.38% accepted)


Submission + - Kentucky judges: No to domain name siezure

davidwr writes: A state appeals court in Kentucky ruled that the state courts cannot seize domain names as "gambling devices." The court ruled that "it's up to the General Assembly — not the courts nor the state Justice Cabinet — to bring domain names into the definition of illegal gambling devices." Will the Kentucky legislature try to take control of domain-names world-wide? Stay tuned...

Submission + - The end of unwanted Goatse, er, Goat Sex?

davidwr writes: "Goat 'condoms' save Kenyan herds Maasai herdsmen in Kenya have turned to an age-old contraceptive device, the "olor", to protect their precious goat herds from an ongoing drought. " Need I say more? Someone obviously has too much free time. The BBC has the rest of the story.

Submission + - Poll: Names on Obama/Biden campaign signs

davidwr writes: What Democratic campaign sign would get your vote?

*Vote Obama/Biden
*Vote Barack Obiden
*Vote Joe-Bama
*V073 0b4m4/B1Ð3n
*\/07 0ß@|\/|@/ß|\|
*Vote for the guys who are better than the other guys
*Vote CowboyNeal/CmdrTaco

Submission + - ICANNt control my own domain - ICANN, IANA hijack

davidwr writes: Computerworld reports that ICANN and the IANA both briefly lost control of their domain names to a turkish group that redirected the domains to an IP address they control. Here is the result of their handiwork. This same group made mischief for Photobucket last week, according to Computerworld.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Nerds make better lovers 3

davidwr writes: LiveScience reports that the socially awkward make better husbands than the debonair studs that grace the covers of Gentleman's Quarterly. On the downside they tend to miss out on promotions and the other socially desirable benefits of being a "social chameleon." So, all of you Rodney McKays out there, there is hope. You just have to get past the first date. Just don't go asking for "me time" until after you tie the knot.

Submission + - Charter Cable accidently deletes mail forever

davidwr writes: During routine maintenance on our e-mail service resulted in the loss of all hosted email for about 14,000 Charter Communications high-speed internet users. MSNBC and DSL Reports are covering the issue. I don't know what kind of legal exposure Charter has for this, but it is a potential PR nightmare if they don't over very generous compensation to their customers. For many customers a few months of free service will restore goodwill but for some no amount of compensation will be enough. This has a lesson for both hosting providers and customers: Backup early, backup often.

Submission + - Blackest man-made Black Body

davidwr writes: Alternative title: Darkest Matter On Earth.
A forest of carbon nanotubes is the blackest man-made black body yet. BBC reports reports

A team led by Dr Pulickel Ajayan, who is presently at Rice University in Houston, Texas, built an array of vertically aligned, low-density carbon nanotubes. Dr Shawn Lin measured the optical properties.

Submission + - Poll: Favorite irrational number

davidwr writes: Poll: What is your favorite irrational number:

sin(my birthday)
None. I am completely rational
Cowboyneal's favorite song

Submission + - Florida election ballots to be printed on-demand

davidwr writes: The St. Petersburg, FL, Times reports that Florida is going back to paper ballots, but with a twist. They are printing the ballots on-demand, right there at the polling booth. This isn't machine-assisted voting where a touch-screen fills in your printed ballot for you. It's just a way to save printing costs and reduce paper waste.

Submission + - Palau looking into satellite power in next decade

davidwr writes: The island nation of Palau is looking into creating a satellite-to-ground power transmission system. The system will use low-orbit satellites to transmit power to a receiver in bursts, unlike some other plans which rely on geostationary satellites. The initial 1MW project is supposed to go online "as early as" 2012 for a cost of $0.8B. Time will tell if this is cost-effective compared to traditional solar or other sources of power.

Submission + - Global Warming Causes Walrus Stampedes

davidwr writes: For Russian walruses, global warming kills.
This past Summer and Fall, walruses on the Russian side of the Bering Straight couldn't find enough ice so they hung back on the shoreline in very crowded conditions. When a predator or other surprise caused a rush to the water the animals stampeded, killing each other in numbers much higher than usual. Read more at Walruses Die; Global Warming Blamed [Associated Press].
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Best Buy goes the extra mile - yes it's true

davidwr writes: Miracle of miracles, Best Buy goes the extra mile and gives people who ordered $99 Toshiba DVD players the next version, valued at about $299. I'm no fan of Best Buy but if they keep acting like this and repudiate their historical evil practices they'll be on my Good Vendors list by Christmas '08. I hope other stores follow suit.

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After the last of 16 mounting screws has been removed from an access cover, it will be discovered that the wrong access cover has been removed.
