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Comment grain of salt? (Score 2) 138

Or a rather huge rock of salt. If lots of people are interested in a subject, create pages that link to pages dealing with it, tweet about it, post about it, etc, that will - or should, at least - create a change in ranking, regardless of it being about politicians, or snakes (oh, sorry, they just might be the same :P). Calling the changes in rankings that reflect people's interest - or lack of it - about a certain subject 'influencing' sounds to me very largely misinterpreted. Anyway, if some people can really be influenced by the rankings of a search engine, that's more a testament of those people's intellect or ignorance, than anything else. Plus, the numbers in the mentioned study, and how they were obtained, can't convince me of any 'science' behind them, let alone make me even consider their significance - if any. Especially this one: 'Biased search rankings also changed the extent to which participants indicated they trust the candidates' - which, to me at least, simply sounds crazy stupid.

Comment sleep... (Score 1) 240

I know sleep loss and/or sleeping for unregular length and time can lead to all kinds of problems, but since I can't even remember when I've slept more than 6 hours at a time, and I have to pull all-nighters from time to time, and I'm still alive and kicking, I have to say I believe that eating habits (type and quantity) and regular exercising can help a lot in balancing the scale. Of course, people having circulatory, blood pressure or heart problems might have a different story to tell.

Comment ewual airtime? demand? (Score 1) 667

They can demand all they want. What I demand is, that if a show is supposed to present scientific results about what we know about the universe at this point, then it should not feed religious issues into the topic. Make a different show, name it differently, and talk about religious issues all you want. But demanding all scientific publications (tv or not) also include all kinds of religious and creativist ideas as well is plainly idiotic. If you feel offended by that view, then at least you know how other people feel when you demand them to be fed religious issues everywhere they turn. And that comes from a person (yes, me) who has been regularly going to church since early childhood. Religion has its place, and I don't believe Cosmos is that. Neither is our children's biology class for that matter.

Comment 'Do you agree?' (Score 1) 140

Do I agree? I've been using AStudio since the first preview came out after I/O, and after using it for 5 minutes it became clear to me that I'll never go back to frustrate myself with eclipse, ever. I don't mean to offend to good people who develop eclipse, but the damn thing gave me so many headaches over the time I had to use it, that dropping it felt like recovering from a long illness, honestly. Of course, there are lots of people who like it, obviously I'm not one of them. Regarding AStudio, if you didn't try it up to now, I think it's time, since it really matured from its first preview release, and while there can be some big changes between updates causing some minor trouble, it's already pretty good, and I think it's pretty clear it'll be the best IDE for android development.

It'll take you some time to switch from eclipse though, getting used to doing things a bit differently, so don't plan to do it overnight. First I kept using eclipse for existing projects, and using AS for new ones, then at some point I moved everything to AS and never looked back.

Comment unless... (Score 1) 136

"This is good news for replicating experiments, building on past results, and science in general."

It is, unless the data can't be made "publicly available, without restriction" (very important emph. added), in which case you can't publish there. Yes, there are others, but demanding dropping all restrictions in all cases is simply an approach blind to reality. Also, if they demand so, they must provide free storage, which in some cases could range to multiple gb of data - and you won't want to pay for indefinite storage of large datasets, for certain.

Also, I wish to repeat my hatred towards the kind of open access publication methods most (if not all) major sci outlets use, namely charging the author many thousands of USD/EUR for publication, costs which most grants don't cover (e.g. my institute mandates open access publications, but of course they don't provide the financial resources to do so). This in turn shifts the focus, since now it's in the best interest of a publisher to accept as many as they can (keep the money flowing), instead of accepting the best ones and get the money from interested readers (and yes, if it's good, they come). Of course politician-scientists like the publicity they get from folks for trying to 'set science free'. I just wish they'd do a bit more thinking, they are scientists after all (or so they claim to be).

Comment better (Score 1) 314

" cited reliability problems with Windows and lower licensing costs for the switch to the classic realtime OS"

Just say it, there's no shame in it: qnx is better. I'd welcome the change even if it were more expensive.

Comment Re:Keepass (Score 1) 445

"Calling that "multi-user" is stretching it a little..."

Well, do what I do, each user can use the portable version, self-contained and easily movable to wherever they want to store it. And you just need to copy the database file over to the android, etc. clients. I checked other solutions, but there's just no other that is offline + easy to move, port and backup + cheap (free is pretty cheap).

Comment comparison (Score 1) 312

"Compare this to the engineers who aren't as strong, and use the opportunity to move up as a way to get their voice heard."

No need to go very far, most of us experience this every day. And suffer the consequences. Also, these people are often good survivors as well, masters in shifting the blame and pointing fingers when they cause trouble, never admitting their fault. Like the best politicians.

Comment wrong (Score 2) 292

"People get angry at Glass. They get angry at you for wearing Glass. They talk about you openly. It inspires the most aggressive of passive aggression. ... Wearing Glass separates you. It sets you apart from everyone else. It says you not only had $1,500 to plunk down to be part of the âoeexplorerâ program, but that Google deemed you special enough to warrant inclusion (not everyone who wanted Glass got it; you had to be selected). Glass is a class divide on your face." [emph. added]

I agree and disagree with many of the above statements, but overall, I just think he simply doesn't get it.

People start talking about you openly because, hello, you are there with a device that can record their every action and every word they say, and you wear the device knowing what it can do, and without caring about whether other people like that or not. So if you allow yourself the liberty to disregard everyone else, why would you expect to be treated any differently? Maybe they think talking about you will make you stop, since for legal reasons they might not have any other way to stop you at most public spaces - besides common sense and basic social etiquette which you might consider learning about sometime.

And yes, wearing it might set you apart, but not because we might think you are 'special', or that Google thought you're 'special', but because it makes an obvious statement that you don't care about other people's opinion of being monitored and recorded without notice, which makes you a jerk (at least).

When meeting with GGlass-wearing people, I ask them to put it away while having a conversation. If they don't, then I shouldn't be talking to them anyway.

Comment posting age (Score 1) 383

I'd like to make mandatory to post the age of a submitter alongside any 'news' item. Why? Because if the poster of this item is a 10 year old, then I'd say OK, someone getting into the game is looking around, good job. However, I don't think this is the case here, I even thought first that it was a joke, which it doesn't seem so. I'd suggest redirecting noobies into other forums instead of posting their totally useless submissions on /.

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