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Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 387

"Witeboards are racist. So are blackboards"

Well, in all the schools I've attended, the boards' colors were either green or black, and they were always called ...(wait for it)...boards, oh the surprise :)

Anyway, the starting post is BS. Boards (of any color :) ) are extremely helpful and useful. That doesn't mean they have to be 'analog', I've seen quite nice digital boards as well.

Comment Re:Looks like I'm going to the movies. (Score 1) 776

"I would go see ANY movie with Charlize Theron scampering about in leather."

Finally, the first comment that is worth replying to. I couldn't care less about the real or implied or forced or intended or unintended or inexistent or whatever message of a movie, I'd still go see it if Charlize Theron was in it (well, if she was still a woman and was played by herself, that is).

Comment Re:seems kinda pointless (Score 1) 143

These apartments are


You seems to misunderstand how police budgets work. They don't have the money to go after every crime, and they especially don't have money for crimes that no one cares about (black on black crime for example), But, if you somehow catch the attention of someone higher up in the department and they think they could get a career promotion from busting you, then you better believe they have hundreds of thousands at their disposal to catch you with.

Comment This is too much. (Score 2) 613

I'm getting really tired of such sexism-rerated blurbs. I'm tired of hearing and reading about some people's ideas about how to force an increase in the number of women in politics, in academia, wherever. I'm tired of these ideas mostly because most of them feel themselves forced, and very often drop over to the other side of overly positive discrimination horse. I'm tired of them, because most of them don't contribute and are worthless, or simply disregard the real world, trying to envision some half-assed gender-neutral utopia. All stupid crap.

I've spent now more than a decade in academia, and I've always had women colleagues, during msc, during phd, after phd. Not many, naturally (fairly typical CS/IT ratios), and even today from the 9 senior (young postdocs and "older" postdocs) in our lab onyl 2 are women - which I think is a fairly average ratio in our field. None of my earlier or current female colleaues/coworkers had such negative experiences as the blog post is about. That doesn't mean others didn't, but sometimes I have the feeling such stories are a bit overreacting and over-generalizing.

Personally, I wouldn't mind to see more women in scientific fields, but I couldn't care less if there weren't any either. I just never thought about such numbers as ratios as being an issue. It certainly never occurred to me - or anyone I've ever spoke about such topics - that women couldn't perform in our field, since I know from experience that they can, furthermore, most women I know - personally or because of their results and publications - in our field are really exceptional in their areas, very many of them are much better than me or some of my colleagues :)) And the ones I do know personally always seemed to be really motivated, since they want to show they can do more and better. Which, while is nice, it's really unnecessary, nobody I know would think they are inferior. Also, performance&results are important, gender is not.

So, tl;dr, sexism and gender issues: don't care.

Comment idiotic prudeness (Score 1) 628

"Zug, a student at the top-ranked Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, argues that a centerfold does not belong in the classroom"

So, I always knew the average american to be fairly prude - well, unless they are tweeting their nude behinds on a daily basis, 'cause that doesn't count, obviously - but this is crazy nuts. I've been in image processing research for the 15th year now, and Lena's face was among the very first test images I've ever saw. It was about 2 years later I found out where it's coming from, I smiled a bit, and went on with my work. As did hundreds and thousands of other image processing students before ad after me.

Well, until the the top-ranked Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology came along, 'cause well, there we can't tolerate such heresy. Heresy, I tell you! This just can't be! How dare one use the image of anice face as a test image, for decades nonetheless. Outrage, man, outrage.

Well, [most] idiots are funny :)

Comment history (Score 1) 216

Well, one thing should be quite clear: for factual historical information you do not turn to the media, and I say in this case Google qualifies. You read and you ask the proper people, and you learn. You can't argue or discuss about a topic (*) if your knowledge base comes solely from the internet - well, you can, but you won't ever be taken seriously, and rightfully so.

(*) Of course we're not talking about hardware reviews or celeb gossips...

Comment Acer? no thanks (Score 1) 417

I've never, ever in my part of life connected in any way to computers have I seen an Acer product that would've jumped over my quality threshold. I've never bought any of their products, but I've seen enough to know I made a good choice. Their Predator is no less disturbing - anyone (well, not anyone, ...) can put together PC parts, but it would be really an impossible task to find a worse PC case than they've built their parts into. Anyway, if they think they'll be the last to go, then I really hope I won't live to see it.

Comment features (Score 1) 276

"features that I would like to find in a service: respectful of user rights, ad-free, built upon open source software, and with auditable results"

Well, well, well. For me there's only one single feature of a search engine that makes it a go or a no-go: have a damn good indexing engine that can provide relevant results in a timely manner. Everything else is just a load of crap that I will never care about. If I can't find what I'm looking for, that I couldn't care less how it protects your rights or whether it is open source or not. Oh yeah, about that auditability... forget that. I don't want to find what other people think I should find, I want to find the best match for my queries. That said, good look, develop away, maybe you'll indeed make a better indexer and ranker than Google's and we'll be all better off.

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