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Comment It's time to fine. (Score 5, Informative) 240

Working with EMR systems for small clinics has shown me that unless fines are given out to these companies developing this software they will make it as difficult and expensive to exchange records with different systems as possible. It is far more profitable for them to make it hard to exchange and then make their clients convince other offices to use the same software if they want to make it easy.

Comment percentages (Score 1) 460

"Most of these women encountered this abuse..."

So, not to discriminate or anything, but what about those 6% men?

Anyway, to the numbers, I'd only say that 26% (or even 6%) of 666 is staggering. The authors should have gone to great lengths to work with law enforcement provide a means to gather anonymized data in such a way that still could be used to discover the offenders. Otherwise I don't think this paper has any more value than some article in a tabloid.

Comment nobody interested? no wonder, really (Score 1) 326

"Both sets of information â" from the car and phone â" are sent to Katasi's servers. Then, an algorithm weighs the incoming data with other information, like the location of the phones belonging to all the people who drive the car and the starting point of the trip; if the trip starts at Junior's high school, and mom and dad's phones are at work, the driver has been identified â" Junior is driving."

I mean come on. In order for you cell phone to not allow you texting while you drive, you and everyone in your family would need to share their location with some crap company with no data privacy regulation at all (we are talking about a U.S. company after all). I wouldn't be interested in such a product even if it was free. Its stupid and idiotic and ridiculous.

The only, I repeat ONLY situation when access to the phone or the navigation should be restcieted while the car is moving is when there is a single person in the vehicle, and that could be checked with seat sensors and cameras, no external company would need to collect you and your family's locations just to decide whether it's you who's driving the damn car.

Submission + - When Scientists Give Up (

ferespo writes: Ian Glomski thought he was going to make a difference in the fight to protect people from deadly anthrax germs. He had done everything right — attended one top university, landed an assistant professorship at another.
But Glomski ran head-on into an unpleasant reality: These days, the scramble for money to conduct research has become stultifying.

So, he's giving up on science.

Comment Re:Humans have too much (Score 3, Interesting) 206

Are you 'tarded or something. Tracking ACoward can be much harder than an actual username. Logged in users with a long posting history leak all kinds of information about who they are, information that can possibly trace back to them without an IP address. At worst both just leave an IP, which if measures are taken, such as proxies or hacked machines can be near impossible to track.

Comment Re:Mod up 1000+ (Score 1) 448

>I propose all arms going to third parties be given rounds with propellants / explosives that chemically degrade over time.

That's not going to happen.

We still shoot ammo made in WW2. It's very likely many of the mortars fired in the past decade were produced in the Vietnam era. 18 months is silly stupid short in itself and you are begging for defeat. Most of our own weapons are stockpiled for years if not decades before a conflict occurs. Because if a 'real serious' enemy shows up, all they have to do is hit your chemical industry and game over, you only have a year of ammo left at most. Even worse, you're not going to stockpile the amount of weapons needed to keep a hypothetical strong Russia or China needed from overwhelming you because you are risk adverse to going bad. Lastly your weaponry has to work reliably in all conditions, not just the desert, you have the jungle, the sea, the frozen wastes. You are really just begging for your own soldiers to get killed.

Comment the Outdated TI-84 Plus Still Holds a Monopoly (Score 1) 359

"the Outdated TI-84 Plus"

That's stupid: it's not outdated, it's just old, but nevertheless, it works quite well. I still have my 83, haven't used it for many years now, but still check the batteries in it from time to time to be sure it'll never die :) I guess it's more nostalgia at this point for me, but still, these things were/are quite great. Yes, pricey, but I don't mind paying some extra for a tool that lasts forever (and they seemingly do).

Comment to make up for the lost revenue (Score 2) 611

" each user would have to pay about ã140 ($230) to make up for the lost revenue"

This sounds crazy, I hope someone realizes that. "Lost revenue" in a businness which only has any revenue at all, because soeone somewhere thought that choking the Internet in a tide of ads must be a good businness model... "Losing" that "revenue" would be lost to those companies who built on this idiotic assumption, also this businness is one of those who drive the whole web into sh*t in the long run.The Internet would function fine, their only problem is that they've grown used to the high revenue stream and reducing or losing it would hurt them. But saying that they couldn't live with a reduced ad revenue and they'd need to push all that revenue's source onto customers to survive is also idiotic - who says they need to have the level of revenue they actually have, or that they actually need to survive at all? :)) I wouldn't mind seeing some of them disappear, they are no friends of mine, that's for sure.

Comment it should be just a matter of common sense (Score 1) 147

While I can understand T-mob. in this case, they - and others as well - could just do what my mobile internet provider in Europe (not T-mob.) does: I got a data package with 10GB of monthly limit with all the constraints (e.g., no torrent use) for average use, but from midnight to 8:00am in the same package they give a separate 100GB monthly allowance without any restrictions at all (and at LTE speed). This way they can force the heavy users out of the more crowded intervals, and everyone can be happy. Oh, the best part, the whole thing costs only ~$20/month....

Comment Energy costs? (Score 1) 421

Me>So you want year round school in the south, but do you want to pay for it?

Other person>But it's the same amount of days, they are just spread apart differently.

Me> But not all days are created equal, when it's 105F out, you're spending a whole lot of electricity to keep the place cool. Even worse, most school busses are not equipped with air conditioning and would have to be refitted or replaced.

Comment Learn more during summer (Score 1) 421

This is a huge point most educators miss. School actually teaches you very little about life outside of school. School is a very limited subset, and very unrealistic reproduction of reality. If I don't like where I work, I get a different job. Unless your parents move (or are rich) you don't get another school. A huge part of a vast portion of society will working alone or in small groups. Not in a room with 20+ other people with the same task.

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