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Comment Re:Four Square (Score 1) 220

But, some of us are old and jaded and don't get the whole social networking thing. Some of this stuff just reminds me of stuff I got bored with in the early-mid 90's and stopped using. Some of the technologies are the same, but it's largely the same inane gibberish as before.

I take it you're not one of the "old and jaded" who "don't get the whole social networking thing", considering you're participating on Slashdot, a social networking site centered around nerdy news articles?

Comment Re:Confused (Score 1) 225

The main difference is that the BSD gives developers the freedom to deprive users and other developers of the fruits of somebody else's labor. Whereas the GPL forces all developers to make sure everybody has the same freedom they had, or else.

The importance of this distinction depends on a developer's priorities. Would you rather play nice with the rest of the developer community and share alike, or would you rather take what you can get without giving back (or encourage others to do this)?

Comment Re:Mother... (Score 1) 417

The girl's mother is an idiot.

No shit..not to mention the guy totally looks like a pedophile/rapist. Way to ignore all red flags...

What do pedophiles and/or rapists look like? Are they a race unto their own? Do they have some soft of discriminating mark on them? If so, why aren't we just rounding people up based on this one trait alone?

Oh... You mean I'm just feeding a troll? Sorry! :-(

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