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Comment Re:Need it have been water? (Score 1) 113

You don't get liquid CO2 without quite a bit of pressure, a minimum of 75 psi / 517 kPa (5.1 atmospheres) at the triple point for CO2. Not near enough CO2 for those kind of pressures on Mars.

I admit I'm not much for chemistry or physics. I find them interesting, but they're not my strong suit. What about methane, ethane, etc? For example, the lakes of methane on Titan? I wonder if they could produce similar results? Would conditions on Mars in the past have prohibited this as well?

Comment Re:It's about the license (Score 0) 318

Does this downloaded copy of the JS code come with a license that secures the four essential freedoms to users? Usually it doesn't unless you're on or a MediaWiki site.

I understand the intent of the four freedoms. I also understand why people would enjoy those freedoms granted to them by other software writers. But what I do NOT understand is why people think they're entitled to any of it. If I write software and license it in some FSF/Stallman-approved fashion, good for you, and good for everybody (theoretically).

But if I decide I don't want to license it in this very liberal way, what gives you the right to demand a license? If I make some js widget-driven site and minify all my code, obscure it, and whatever else... that's my business, right? You can use it or don't use it -- it's all the same to me. Maybe I'm ignorant of licensing. Or maybe apathetic. Or lack of time. Or all of the above? If you sent me an email about my site and demanded licensing stuff, I'd tell you to go find a hobby...

Yeah, it's a US government site. And...? How is it that you (a hypothetical US citizen) using the site making you sacrifice your freedoms?

Comment Re:What kind of encryption did the FBI break? (Score 3, Informative) 802

>> an intricate electronic folder structure comprised of approximately 6,712 folders and subfolders, approximately 707,307 files

Sounds like a regular disk drive structure to me. Nothing particularly "intricate" about it.

Indeed. I'm writing this from a fresh Windows 7 install (about 36hrs old) and the c:\windows folder alone has over 17,000 folders and 100,000 files.

Comment Re:Proper procedures (Score 1) 178

When I was preparing to give my employer three (rather than two) week's notice, I was fully prepared to be shown the door that very moment, and got all my ducks in a row just in case. As it turns out, they kept me on. But when I gave my manager my formal resignation, I also gave him a note saying (essentially), "I have accounts on the following systems.... for everyone's protection, please see that they are disabled as soon as is appropriate."

Comment Re:This is here, because? (Score 1, Insightful) 931

Why is it that worshipers label all atheists as 'raging' while they play no-true-scotsman fallacy games when challenged about atrocities done in the names of their religions? It's perfectly normal to find such toxic irrationality enraging, especially when it's used to justify limiting liberty or committing murder.

See, I feel like some people play their own games by invoking "no true scotsman" as the excuse to make sweeping generalizations. If someone in my city (let's call it "Springfield") committed a heinous murder, would you then challenge me about the atrocity done by a citizen of Springfield? I'm going to guess you wouldn't do that... so whats the difference? That this is about religion, so it's easier to hate on people here on Slashdot?

Comment Re:Can we PLEASE (Score 1) 433

just DRIVE when driving ... WITHOUT fidgeting around with phones, stereos, bluetooths, coffee cups, navigation systems and whatever the hell other distractions there are?

Now just HOLD ON THERE A MINUTE, cowboy. You can have my coffee when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. If those dead hands are the result of a collision, at least my last minutes will have been spent with coffee...

Comment Re:Don't Just Change your Scribd Password (Score 1) 38

... if you used the same password for scribd as you do you for your email account, you need to change the password on your email account immediately.

If you use the same password for scribd and your email account AND you're reading this comment, you're probably lost.

Here, friend. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable here, or maybe here or even here. (after changing your passwords, of course)

Comment Re: I wonder who's legally liable? (Score 1) 97

Do you know the FAA has no legal authority over what happens below 400' above private land far enough away from an airport.

You should really let the FAA know that. Four days ago they grounded an aerial photographer in Minnesota for using an r/c aircraft commercially.
FAA grounds Twin Cities aerial photographer over use of drones

It makes me think that hiring an aerial photographer would be like hiring an escort. Someone would find a photographer with whom they can share common interests, maybe have them over for dinner, become friends, and then maybe if the photographer really likes you, he'll leave you with a parting gift of some photography...

Comment Re:When does Polarization begin? (Score 1) 298

Does it begin with polarized news or comments that may correct/nullify the polarization of the news?

Certainly more and more people are realizing the News is polarized already.

I agree with you -- people notice it. But at the same time, I think that the toxic comments work much the same way as advertising on television, billboards, and so on. Even though we are fully aware of the nature of the message, that doesn't prevent it from influencing us. For advertising, even if you scoff at a particularly lame attempt at advertising delivery, you likely still become even MORE aware of the brand itself. It still elevates it above the unfamiliar and unadvertised competitor brands. I think these comments function much the same way.

Comment Re:It's a flawed way to keep a site up. (Score 1) 978

I'm not him but I'll be happy to list why its fucked up..1.- A VERY large portion of the viruses out there end up through infected ads, block ads? Virus infections drop off the map.

THIS, a thousand times THIS. Many years ago I watched as an advertising network pushed a flash-based ad that delivered a malicious PDF, exploited a hole in Adobe Reader, and screwed up the machine. Of course it was Windows, yes. But ever since then, I remove Adobe Reader from all machines I support (myself and family), I run AdBlockPlus, Flashblock. THAT's why I block ads.

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