Comment You must follow the correct process. (Score 4, Insightful) 147
1. Hire some bonehead that is expendable and ask him to make the decision.
2. Fire him when the project fails.
3. Nobody will ever bring this up again.
1. Hire some bonehead that is expendable and ask him to make the decision.
2. Fire him when the project fails.
3. Nobody will ever bring this up again.
Microwave oven magnetron and a small parabolic dish wifi antenna and all your drone belong to me.
Exactly if the ship would have been weapons free and engaging with missiles and CIWS that drone would have been turned into a shredded fireball.
Well being that it is a expensive drone I doubt they had weapons free on it. Had they been able to engage with with VLS surface to air missiles and CIWS it would have been shredded to bits.
Another teacher was killed this week with a box cutter. Clearly we need to rid the world of these devices of death.
I have given this a bit of thought, if I get tired of the nonsense I will simply quit working and join the other half of the nation.
I think he means it was Bush's fault, wonder what the story is going to be after the mid-terms.
Native Code Execution, it runs as fast as it is going to run.
That $300 dollar plan you speak of likely has a deductible of around 6k as well. So not only are you forced to buy it but you are forced to buy it, for the most part it is worthless to you. Now some idiot is like to chime in here and start talking about subsidies, well subsidies are not monthly checks, bill collectors however work in the here and now.
A much better idea is to tax children and I mean heavily as in thousands per year.
Tell that to that to the retired public union workers of Detroit.
Welcome to the wonderful world of native code execution vs virtual machine laggy turdness.
Hey with the introduction of Fracking there is not problem with the availability of gas to create electricity to power these green vehicles. LOL
Didn't you know? fracking the fuel to create electricity really is the way to go.
Yes you are correct I am one of them, fuck a bank I never borrow money for cars or anything else for that matter.
You are an insult to my intelligence! I demand that you log off immediately.