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Comment Re: Anybody should be able to open an e-book shop (Score 1) 88

Amazon is good, but it could be a lot better. I buy a lot of books thru kindle app on Android (don't get me started on the cripple-ware apple forced amazon to do) - what could they do better?
-not recommend books I've already bout thru amazon
-allow me to flush existing recommended books and get a new set of recommendations (if its on the list for a month, and I haven't bought it, I'm not going to.
-tag and buy, rather than the atrocity that is one click buy
-multiple accounts per one device, and an easy way to switch
-an intelligent register device that doesn't assume each time I reregister a device, that it should create a new entry. -some way to catalog books in kindle, some way to tag/remove from device

And don't get me started on Amazon Payments, the cretins banned me for having an inward payment, and won't even discuss unlocking it. I've used the obvious workaround...

Comment Isn't this commonplace already? (Score 1) 405

Police cars, redlight cameras, etc do lookups on numberplates to see if the registration is current, to check if the primary drivers license is current, or has things outstanding on it. That's why we don't have car renewal stickers as well anymore. The next step, yes, will be to keep the data, regardless if you're 'clean' or not.

Guess McNeally was right.

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